Ernst August Schulze

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Ernst August Schulze (born August 8, 1721 in Berlin , † May 3, 1786 in Frankfurt (Oder) ) was a German Reformed theologian.


The son of the preacher at the Friedrichshospital and later court preacher and inspector in Crossen Gottfried Schulze († December 1730 in Crossen) received his first training from his father. Then he attended school in Crossen , high school in Zerbst and Berlin. He studied theology at the University of Halle and in 1741 at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) . In 1742 he became court master of young noblemen and in 1747 a candidate at the Berlin Cathedral . In 1750 he was on an educational trip through Germany. In 1755 he became rector of the Friedrichsschule in Frankfurt (Oder). After he had drawn attention to himself in this office with philological writings, he became a master of philosophy in 1756 and was given the right to hold public lectures.

In the same year he became associate professor of theology in Frankfurt, took over a full professorship in theology and philology in 1758, with which he resigned the rectorate at the Friedrichschule and was awarded a doctorate in theology. In 1759 Schulze took over the professorship of rhetoric and in 1763 became the second preacher of the German Reformed community in Frankfurt (Oder). The work overload forced him to step down from the professorship for rhetoric and philology. He later took over the inspection of the reformed school. Schulz also took part in the organizational tasks of the Frankfurt School and was rector of the Alma Mater in 1768, 1776 and 1784 .


  • Exercitationes philologicae Fasciculus I. Berlin 1754
  • Diss. De lingua Deorum atque hominum, Homero celebrata. Frankfurt (Oder) 1755
  • Diss de praetorio Pilati. Frankfurt (Oder) 1756
  • Diss. De Galatis. Sectio I de Galatarum aut Celtarum appellatione. Frankfurt (Oder) 1756; Sectio II de Galatarum lingua. Frankfurt (Oder) 1757
  • Diss. De fictis Hierosolymorum privilegiis. Frankfurt (Oder) 1756
  • Diss. De paronomasia Servatori usitata. Frankfurt (Oder) 1756
  • Diss. De Mammone injusto, nequaquam ad coelestia tabernacula conducente, ad Luc. 16, 9.Frankfurt (Oder) 1756
  • Diss. Propheta Mosi par, ad Deuteron. 18, 15.Frankfurt (Oder) 1757
  • Diss. De variis Judaeorum erroribus in descriptione templi. Sectio I and II. Frankfurt (Oder) 1753–1759
  • Diss. De ablegatione Apostolorum atque septuaginta discipulorum, rebusque illis prohibitis, ad Matth. 10, 9.10. Marc. 6, 8. Lucae 9, 3. 10. 3. 4. 22, 35. 36. Frankfurt (Oder) 1758
  • Diss. Specimen observationum in Matthaeum. Frankfurt (Oder) 1758
  • Diss. De Lingis, natione teutonica. Frankfurt (Oder) 1758
  • Diss. De Juda Galilaeo ejusque secta. Frankfurt (Oder) 1761
  • Diss. Sistens historiam tentationis Jesu Christi observationibus quibusdam illustratam. Frankfurt (Oder) 1761
  • Diss. De Herodiana puerorum Bethlehemiticorum caede. Frankfurt (Oder) 1765
  • Exercitationes philologicae. Hagae Comit 1774
  • Hadriani Relandi de spoliis templi Hierosolymitani in arcu Titiano Romae conspicuis liber singularis. Editio nova. Prolusionem de variis Judaorum erroribus in descriptione hujus templi praemisit, notasque adjecit EAS Traject. ad Rhen 1775
  • Jablonski Institutiones historiae ecclesiasticae. Edidit notasque adjecit EAS Tom. I et II. Frankfurt (Oder) 1783
  • Compendium Archaeologiae Hebraicae. Liber I, Antiquitates politicas, Liber II, Antiquitates ecclesiasticas continens. Cum figuris aeri incisis edidit, emendavit, addenda adjecit, notisque locupletavit A. Ph. G. Schickedanz, Theol. Doct. et Prof. Gymnasii, quod Servestae floret, Anhaltini academici Rector. Dresden 1793


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer. d. J., Leipzig, 1812, vol. 12, p. 532, ( online )
  • Heinrich Doering: The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Verlag Johann Karl Gottfried Wagner, 1835, Neustadt an der Orla, vol. 4, p. 79 ( online )