Ernst Becker (Mayor)

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Ernst Becker (born April 22, 1869 in Oberhausen , † May 13, 1935 in Lünen ) was a German municipal civil servant and long-time mayor and mayor of the city of Lünen.


Before he became mayor of the city of Lünen on July 1, 1896, at the age of 27, he worked as a government and tax supernumerary (ie "surplus" civil servant candidate without income) in Herford. During his 36 years in office as the first citizen of the city of Lünen, he modernized the agricultural town and led it into the 20th century. During his time there were u. a. the opening of mines, various connections to the regional transport network and the improvement of the infrastructure. But also local communities of Lippholthausen , Gahmen , Horstmar , Beckinghausen , Brambauer and parts of the Derne office. These extensive activities, supplemented by the establishment of the district court (1912), the new construction of the Stadtsparkasse zu Lünen on Borker Strasse, the opening of numerous schools and the opening of the railway lines in the direction of Hamm-Oberhausen and Dortmund-Münster ensured that Lünen was a small town Shed character and kept pace with burgeoning industrialization.

On his silver jubilee in 1921, he was unanimously made an honorary citizen of the city of Lünen. From 1928 until he retired in 1932, he held the title of "Lord Mayor".

Ernst Becker died on May 13, 1935 and was buried in the cemetery "An der Münsterstrasse". In his honor and in his memory, a street in Lünen-Nord , starting from the main train station in the direction of Nordlünen , was named after him.