Ernst lamp

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Emil Hermann Ernst Lampe (born June 21, 1886 in Berlin , † September 14, 1968 in Blaubeuren ) was a German educator and mathematician .


Lampe was born as the son of the royal Prussian railway official Joh. Carl Ferd. Ernst Lampe and his wife Lilly were born in Berlin. After the family moved several times due to the father being transferred to a job, Ernst Lampe finally passed the school leaving examination in Halle (Saale) in 1905 and then enrolled at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin , where he studied teaching at secondary schools “Studied mathematics and physics.

In the spring of 1907 he passed the gymnastics teacher examination and in July 1910 he obtained the qualification to teach physics as well as applied and pure mathematics, whereupon he already worked as a substitute at the Erfurt Realgymnasium in August and September of the same year. In October he finally began his one-year military service with the Halle Fusilier Regiment No. 36. After this time, from 1911 to 1912 he was a seminar teacher at the Royal High School and at the Royal Realgymnasium in Erfurt. From 1912 to 1913 there was a year of probation at the Altenburger Friedrichsgymnasium, where he was at the same time teacher and educator of Prince Georg Moritz von Sachsen-Altenburg . This was followed by the first permanent position at Christans-Gymnasium in Eisenberg in October 1913 .

During the First World War he lost his right eye as a vice sergeant in a shrapnel shot. After he was briefly deployed in the Altenburg garrison to train the troop replacement, Lampe was finally declared unfit for field and garrison service on January 1, 1915 and worked briefly as a teacher in Eisenberg until May 1915, before he worked as an educator for about three years was on leave of absence at the cadet house in Naumburg. Here he had the rank of lieutenant.

After the end of the First World War, on April 1, 1918, Lampe was employed as a teacher at the Erfurt Municipal High School and was promoted to a senior teacher in 1924. After Ernst Lampe became a member of the Erfurt Freemason Lodge " Carl to the Three Adlers " in 1925 , to which he belonged until 1932, in 1926 he became a full member of the Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt .

The Elster Castle in Elsterwerda.

On April 1, 1927 lamp took over as director of studies the management of the state secondary school in Elster Castle of southern Brandenburg town of Elsterwerda , which until 1926 as a teacher seminar served. In 1938 the school was converted into a high school and Lampe became senior director.

After the end of the Second World War, school operations were resumed in October 1945, which had come to a standstill due to the war and Ernst Lampe became director of the Elsterwerda secondary school, but resigned his office in December of the same year because his wife Margarethe became seriously ill and finally died on December 3, 1945. From then on he only worked as a simple teacher at the school. From 1946 he was a lecturer in mathematics for the first new teacher course in Bad Liebenwerda . He also worked for the school office as a specialist advisor for the secondary school.

From 1948 he worked as a lecturer for the Volk und Wissen publishing house, where he was responsible for editing textbooks and mathematical journals. In addition, from 1951 he worked in the "Distance Learning" department at the German Central Pedagogical Institute and in 1954 became a member of the editorial committee for mathematics. In 1956 the second edition of his book "Mathematics and Sport" was published.

After Ernst Lampe worked as a teacher in Elsterwerda until the 1959/60 school year, he finally moved in June 1961 to the birthplace of his second wife Johanna Blaubeuren in West Germany, where he died on September 14, 1968.

Ernst Lampe's curriculum vitae has been recorded in the “Bio-Bibliographical Handbook of the Academy of Non-Profit Sciences in Erfurt” since 2005, which contains the data of around 2,300 personalities for the years from 1754 to 2004.


  • From Danzig's difficult days . Schroeder, Bonn 1920.
  • Math and sports . Teubner, Leipzig 1929.
  • Mathematics and military sports . Teubner, Leipzig; Berlin 1935.
  • Math and sports . 2nd Edition. Teubner, Leipzig 1956.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lampe, Emil Hermann Ernst, in Jürgen Dietrich Kurt Kiefer: Bio-bibliographical manual of the Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt. Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt, Erfurt 2005, ISBN 3-932295-61-7 or ISBN 978-3-932295-61-4 , p. 350
  2. ^ Günther Lehmann: "Ernst Lampe" in "Home calendar for the old district of Bad Liebenwerda, the Mückenberger Ländchen, outskirts on Schraden and Uebigau-Falkenberg" . Ed .: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Heimatkunde eV Bad Liebenwerda. No. 57 . Gräser Verlag Großenhain, Bad Liebenwerda 2007, ISBN 3-932913-00-0 , p. 320-333 .
  3. Günther Lehmann: Lamp boss memories of an excellent teacher in school - part 2 . Elsterwerda 2008, p. 45 to 57 .

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