Ernst Mentzel

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Ernst Mentzel, portrait photo from the Reichstag Handbook 1928

Ernst Mentzel (born September 25, 1878 in Neuwarp , † November 4, 1960 in Duisburg-Ruhrort ) was a German politician ( DNVP ).

Life and work

After attending the community school and a private school, Mentzel received seminar training and then entered the Prussian administrative service. From 1901 he worked at the Chamber of Crafts in Stettin , where he was deputy to the executive secretary from 1903 and became secretary himself in 1907. From 1917 he was the syndic of the Szczecin Chamber of Crafts. He was also a member of the General Synod of the Evangelical Church of the Old Prussian Union and the Provincial Synod of the Old Prussian Church Province of Pomerania .


Mentzel was 1919-1921 member of the Constituent Prussian State Assembly and then to 1924 member of the Prussian Landtag . In the Reichstag election in December 1924 he was elected to the German Reichstag , to which he belonged until 1930. Politically, he mainly dealt with issues of the middle class.

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