Ernst Osterrath

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Ernst Osterrath (born January 11, 1851 in Danzig ; † June 6, 1925 in Göttingen ) was district administrator in the Wiedenbrück district (Westphalia) from 1882 to 1898 .


In 1898, Osterrath became a senior government councilor in Schleswig , but after four years went to the Prussian Ministry of Culture in Berlin as a lecturing council at the beginning of 1902 . He held on to his Westphalian connections and was made an honorary citizen of Wiedenbrück in 1901 . A monument that he dedicated to the city through their Berlin son Bernhard Heising should now be a testimony to his friendship and gratitude .

In 1903 Heising created the market fountain with the bronze statue that is called the praying farmer : in the middle of domestic gardening, the praying person heard the evening angelus bell in his free time, he interrupts work, takes off his worker's cap, puts it on top of the spade handle, puts the Tyrolean pipe on it. In prayer he folds his hands in inner concentration. His face and demeanor show unconditional and deep devotion to God. (For details see: Rheda-Wiedenbrück )


  • The crown prince monument of the Wiedenbrück district in the municipality of Avenwedde near Isselhorst train station in Westphalia . Wiedenbrück 1898, urn : nbn: de: hbz: 6: 1-72876 .


  • Franz Flaskamp: Bernhard Heising (1865–1903), A German Artist's Life (with picture) (Sources and research on the nature and history of the Wiedenbrück district: 2nd issue). Printing and publishing by Regensbergschen Buchdruckerei, Münster i. Westf. 1932.