Ernst Rademacher

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Wilhelm Ernst Franz Rademacher (born July 18, 1903 in Winge near Tilsit , † January 7, 1964 in Schaerbeek ) was a German politician ( NSDAP ).


After attending school, Rademacher learned the trade of a farmer. He broke off studies in agriculture without a degree in order to manage his parents' estate Winge after his father's death. From 1927 he belonged to the Memelland Agricultural Party (MLWP). On May 1, 1931, Rademacher joined the NSDAP in Germany ( membership number 519.339). In May 1933 he was a co-founder of the National Socialist Community of the Memel Region (Sovog). In 1933 he was appointed district manager of Sovog for the Pogegen district and president of the Memelland Chamber of Agriculture. Rademacher was arrested in March 1934 and taken into custody. In the Kownow trial in March 1935, he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment and property consolidation, probably for illegal political activity. After several years in prison, he was released in February 1938. In 1938/1939 he was in the Seimelis for the Memelland unit list . He received instructions from SS-Gruppenführer Wilhelm Redieß to set up a mounted stewardship from Memelland.

After the Memel area was incorporated into the National Socialist German Reich , Rademacher became a member of the SS and was promoted to Sturmbannführer. During the Second World War he was a member of the Waffen SS and, among other things, special leader of the SS Wehrwirtschaftsinspektion in Kassel . From April 20, 1942, he was the main department head of food and agriculture at the General Commissioner in Dnepropetrovsk and held this post until December 1943. As an SS specialist in the Waffen SS, he achieved the rank of Obersturmbannführer.

On September 22, 1941, Rademacher joined the National Socialist Reichstag as a member of the National Socialist Reichstag in the replacement process for the late Wilhelm Bertuleit , in which he represented the Memelland until the end of the Nazi regime in spring 1945 .

After the end of the war he was a prisoner of war. He then made his living as an employee, most recently at the EEC Commission of the Foreign Trade Office of the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture. Rademacher, who was married and the father of three daughters and one son, was also involved in an association for people who were expelled from the homeland. He died in the Brussels-Capital region after a traffic accident and was buried in the Ohlsdorf cemetery on January 16, 1964.


  • Joachim Lilla , Martin Döring, Andreas Schulz: extras in uniform: the members of the Reichstag 1933–1945. A biographical manual. Including the Volkish and National Socialist members of the Reichstag from May 1924 . Droste, Düsseldorf 2004, ISBN 3-7700-5254-4 .

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary in the Ostpreußenblatt of January 18, 1964, p. 20 - in Lilla: extras in uniform: The members of the Reichstag 1933–1945 , however, indicate 1968 as the year of death
  2. ^ Obituary for Ernst Rademacher-Winge. In: Memeler Dampfboot , Edition 3 of February 5, 1964, p. 37