Erwin Nötzelmann

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Erwin Nötzelmann

Erwin Nötzelmann (born March 14, 1907 in Königsberg ; † February 12, 1981 in Hamburg ) was a German politician (NSDAP).

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Erwin Nötzelmann first attended the community school in Graudenz , later, from 1920 to 1922, a private school in Königsberg. From 1922 to 1925 he learned the building and machine fitter trade. After that, Nötzelmann worked for several years - repeatedly interrupted by unemployment - as a journeyman locksmith in East Prussia and Saxony .

In 1925 Nötzelmann joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). He was also a member of the Sturmabteilung (SA), and later also of the Schutzstaffel (SS). In July 1932 Nötzelmann was elected to the Berlin Reichstag as a member of his party for constituency 1 (East Prussia) . He was a member of this group without interruption until 1945.

In 1933 Nötzelmann worked as a locksmith's journeyman in Zinten and Nötzelmann became a full-time SA leader. During the further duration of the National Socialist rule, he officiated, among other things, as leader of SA Brigade 3 (Bohen, Lötzen) and leader of SA Standard 45 (Insterburg). He was also the holder of the NSDAP's Golden Decoration .


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