Erythrodiplax leticia

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Erythrodiplax leticia
Subordination : Dragonflies (Anisoptera)
Superfamily : Libelluloidea
Family : Libellulidae (Libellulidae)
Subfamily : Sympetrinae
Genre : Erythrodiplax
Type : Erythrodiplax leticia
Scientific name
Erythrodiplax leticia
Machado , 1996

Erythrodiplax leticia is a species of dragonfly from the subfamily Sympetrinae . It occurs in northeastern Brazil . At the moment only the male is described.


The red or reddish brown abdomen of the males is between 20 and 24 millimeters long. On the upper of the orange abdominal appendages there is a row with seven to nine teeth. The genitals are located on the second abdominal segment. Both the prothorax and the pterothorax , like the legs, are brown. The thighs of the rear pair of legs are studded with 10 to 14 thorns, which become larger towards the last.

The wings are transparent and veined black except for a yellow-brown spot at the base. In the area of ​​the spot, which is significantly larger on the hind wings, the veins are also yellow-brown on the upper side, but white on the lower side. Both pairs of wings measure between 26 and 31 millimeters in length. At 6.5 to 7.2 millimeters, the front pair of wings is somewhat narrower at its widest point than the rear pair of wings, which measures 8.5 to 10.2 millimeters here. The brown-yellow wing mark measures between 3.1 and 3.7 millimeters.

Red and brown dominate the face. The lower lip is red or brown. The upper lip , the clypeus, and the front part of the forehead are red or brownish red, with a yellowish spot near the eyes . The upper part of the forehead, the crown and the back of the head are brown.


The majority of the animals found come from Lagoa da Pratinha ( Iraquara , Bahia ), where E. leticia is common in the bank vegetation. Occasionally, however, specimens have also been observed in the vicinity of the lake.


  1. a b c d e Angelo BM Machado: Erythrodiplax Leticia , sp. n. de libélula do nordeste brasileiro (Odonata, Libellulidae) , Rev. Bras. Zool. vol. 12 no.4 Curitiba 1995

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