Escobaria sneedii

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Escobaria sneedii
Escobaria sneedii

Escobaria sneedii

Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Cacteae
Genre : Escobaria
Type : Escobaria sneedii
Scientific name
Escobaria sneedii
Britton & Rose
Escobaria sneedii subsp. leei

Escobaria sneedii is a species of plant in the genus Escobaria from the cactus family(Cactaceae). The epithet of the species honors JR Sneed , the discoverer of the species. Escobaria sneedii is hardy in Central Europe. English common names are "Lee's Pincushion", "Sneed's Cory Cactus", "Sneed's Escobaria" and "Sneed's pincushion."


The many-sprout plants are usually branched and form large cushions. The cylindrical trunks , densely covered with thorns , reach heights of growth between 2.5 and 7.5 centimeters with a diameter of 1.2 to 2.5 centimeters. The warts are up to 2 millimeters long. The 6 to 9 upright, white central spines are 4.5 to 9 millimeters long. The 25 to 25 radial spines are erect and white. They are 4.5 to 6 millimeters long.

The white flowers are 1.2 to 2 inches long and in diameter. The bracts have a pink or magenta center. The green or red fruits are up to 1.5 centimeters long and sometimes have a few hairy scales.

Systematics, distribution and endangerment

Escobaria sneedii is distributed in the US states : Texas in the Franklin Mountains and in New Mexico in the Guadalupe Mountains .

The first description was made in 1923 by Nathaniel Lord Britton and Joseph Nelson Rose .

The following synonyms exist :
Coryphantha sneedii (Britton & Rose) A. Berger (1929) and Mammillaria sneedii (Britton & Rose) Cory (1936).

There are two subspecies:

The species is endangered and was included in Appendix I of the Washington Convention on Endangered Species . In the Red List of Threatened Species of the IUCN , the species is listed as " Least Concern (LC) ". H. listed as not endangered.



  • Edward F. Anderson : The Great Cactus Lexicon . Eugen Ulmer KG, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-8001-4573-1 , p. 276 .
  • Curt Backeberg : Die Cactaceae: Handbuch der Kakteenkunde . 2nd Edition. tape V . Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart New York 1984, ISBN 3-437-30384-8 , p. 2966 f .
  • NL Britton , JN Rose : The Cactaceae. Descriptions and Illustrations of Plants of the Cactus Family . tape IV . The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington 1923, p. 56 .
  • Walther Haage : cacti from A to Z . 3. Edition. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Heidelberg 1986, ISBN 3-494-01142-7 , p. 210 .

Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Birkhäuser 2004, ISBN 3-540-00489-0 , p. 223.
  2. ^ NL Britton, JN Rose: The Cactaceae. Descriptions and Illustrations of Plants of the Cactus Family . Volume IV, Washington 1923, p. 56.
  3. Bödeker: A mammillaria comparison key . 1933, p. 17.
  4. Taylor: Cactaceae Consensus Initiatives . Number 4, 1997, p. 5.
  5. Appendices I, II and III valid from April 3, 2012 . (accessed September 4, 2012).
  6. Escobaria sneedii in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013.2. Posted by: Heil, K., Terry, M. & Corral-Díaz, R., 2009. Retrieved December 17, 2013.

further reading

  • Marc A. Baker, Robert A. Johnson: Morphometric Analysis of Escobaria sneedii var. Sneedii, E. sneedii var. Leei, and E. guadalupensis (Cactaceae) . In: Systematic Botany . Volume 25, Number 4, 2000, pp. 577-587, DOI: 10.2307 / 2666722 .

Web links

Commons : Escobaria sneedii  - collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Entry in the PLANTS database