Estevão Leitão de Carvalho

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Marshal Estevão Leitão de Carvalho

Estevão Leitão de Carvalho (born April 16, 1881 in Penedo , Alagoas , † December 29, 1970 in Rio de Janeiro ) was a Brazilian marshal .


Carvalho, the son of the Portuguese Francisco Leitão de Carvalho and the Brazilian Maria Cerqueira Leitão de Carvalho, was born in Penedo in what was then the province of Alagoas of the Brazilian Empire . He completed an officer training in the army (Exército Brasileiro) of the armed forces (Forças Armadas do Brasil) and subsequently found various posts as an officer and staff officer . Between 1934 and 1935 he was in command of the Army Staff School and from 1937 to 1939 Deputy Chief of the Army General Staff . He served from 1939 to 1942 as the commander of the 3rd Military Region (3rd Região Militar) and as such was promoted to major general in 1940 . After he was Inspector General of the 1st Group of the Military Regions for a short time in 1942, he acted as head of the Brazilian delegation in the Joint Brazilian-US Defense Committee between November 20, 1942 and 1944, and then as military attaché from 1944 to March 19, 1945 at the embassy in the USA . He was also a 1944-1945 member of the Brazilian delegation to the Inter-American Defense Board ( Inter-American Defense Board ) and in 1945 again head of the Brazilian delegation in the Joint Brazilian-US defense committee. In 1945 he retired from active military service and received the rank of marshal (Marechal do Exército Brasileiro) .


Carvalho published several writings on military, political and economic subjects.

  • Notas sobre a infantaria alemã. 1913
  • Guia para o ensino da avaliação de distancias a simple vista. 1914
  • A conferência do desarmamento. 1936
  • Petróleo: salvação ou desgraça do Brasil? 1950
  • A paz do Chaco, como foi efetuada no campo de batalha. 1956
  • Dever militar e política partidária. 1959
  • Memórias de um soldado legalista. 6 volumes, 1961–1964
  • Memórias de um general reformado. 1967

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carvalho, Estevão Leitão de. In: Fundação Getulio Vargas. CPDOC - Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil, accessed June 24, 2018 (Brazilian Portuguese).