Eugen Keuerleber

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Eugen Keuerleber (born April 9, 1921 , † September 10, 2002 in Stuttgart ) was a German museum director.

Eugen Keuerleber studied painting, graphics, sculpture and art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart .

From 1945 he worked at the cultural department and cultural office of the city of Stuttgart and became head of the city's collection of paintings, although the beginnings were “sparse”. During his work as director of the Stuttgart City Gallery from 1961 to the mid-1980s, the collection achieved international renown. In addition to Swabian open-air painting with its main exponents, the Stuttgart Hölzel School and the considerably expanded department of contemporary art, Keuerleber made Otto Dix in particular another focus of the house, for which he brought out numerous publications. Despite the lack of space in the Stuttgart art building , in which the Städtische Galerie had been housed since 1961, he succeeded in creating a widely recognized platform for the presentation of groups of works by individual artists, of themed exhibitions, by setting up a small cabinet called "Room 1" and from time to time also parts of the graphic collection, of pictures from the magazine or the presentation of new acquisitions.

Eugen Keuerleber was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Eugen Keuerleber: The gallery of the city of Stuttgart . In: Helmut Heissenbüttel (Ed.): Stuttgart Art in the 20th Century: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture . Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1979 ISBN 3421-02532-0 , pp. 144–150, brief biographical data, p. 291