Eugen Sehnal

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Eugen Sehnal (born December 22, 1851 in Kufstein ; † September 12, 1910 in Vienna ) was an Austrian builder and architect.


Eugen Sehnal, the son of a Tyrolean police doctor, already spent his school days in Vienna. In Schottenfeld he attended high school. From 1869 to 1873 he was a student of Heinrich Ferstel and Karl König at the Technical University .

One of his first commissions was the Protestant church in Mödling . During his creative time there was an increased need for public buildings due to the industrialization in the area of ​​Vienna and Lower Austria, so that this was also one of the main areas of activity for him. Some hospitals, schools and government buildings are based on his work. Ultimately, he was also given the position of building appraiser in the Obersthofmarschallamt .

Sehnal suffered a stroke at the Vienna Südbahnhof at the age of 59 , from the consequences of which he ultimately died. He was married and had four children.


Posthof in Mödling (1879)
Town hall in Mistelbach (1901)
Court and official building in Poysdorf (1897)
Building of the Hyrtl orphanage in Mödling

In addition to these public buildings, he built numerous private buildings in Vienna, such as the addition to the Palais Silva-Tarouca and in the surrounding area, such as in Kaltenleutzüge or the Posthof in Mödling.

Awards and Appointments

  • Gold Cross of Merit with Crown , 1889
  • Building Councilor, 1897
  • Building expert for the building deputation for Vienna, 1898–1903
  • Officially authorized architect, 1905
  • Building valuer at the Court Marshal's Office, 1908–1910


  • Ch. Gruber - Th. Pulle:  Sehnal Eugen. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 12, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 2001–2005, ISBN 3-7001-3580-7 , p. 114 f. (Direct links on p. 114 , p. 115 ).
  • A. Hermann: History of the City of St. Pölten , St. Pölten 1930
  • E. Hofmockl: Wiener Heilanstalten , Vienna 1901
  • C. Jäger: Austrian architecture of the 19th and 20th centuries , Vienna-Graz 2005
  • Th. Karl: Eugen Sehnal , St. Pölten Official Gazette of the City of St. Pölten 1991, F3.S10
  • KMKisler. Eugen Sehnal , in Lower Austria Culture Reports December 1987 page 9
  • W.Kitlitschka : Historicism and Art Nouveau in Lower Austria , St. Pölten 1984

Web links

Commons : Eugen Sehnal  - Collection of images, videos and audio files