Eugene Atkinson

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Eugene Atkinson

Eugene Vincent Atkinson (born April 5, 1927 in Aliquippa , Pittsburgh metropolitan area , Pennsylvania , † August 4, 2016 there ) was an American politician .

Atkinson studied at the University of Pittsburgh and was then Customs Director at the Port of Pittsburgh Authority from 1962 to 1969 . From 1972 to 1978 he was Commissioner of Beaver County . For the Democrats , Atkinson was elected to succeed Gary A. Myers in Congress and was a member of the United States House of Representatives for Pennsylvania from January 3, 1979 to January 3, 1983 .

He was one of Jimmy Carter's early supporters in 1976 , but in 1980 he supported Edward Kennedy in the presidential candidacy, whose leadership skills he valued. On a radio show in 1981, he received a call from President Ronald Reagan prompting him to support budget cuts. On October 14, 1981, he left his party and joined the Republicans . After the dissolution of his original constituency, he lost the 1982 congressional election with a 21% difference in votes against Joseph P. Kolter .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Atkinson, Eugene Vincent (1927-2016). In: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. United States Congress, accessed January 10, 2017 .