European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management

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The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) is a scientific network and graduate college based in Brussels .


EIASM was founded in 1971 with the support of the Ford Foundation . The first institute members and faculty were scientists such as Harry Igor Ansoff , Alain Bensoussan , Göran Bergendahl , Charles Berthet , Edward Bowman , Klaus Brockhoff , John Child , Alain Cotta , Richard Cyert , Alan Dale , Gordon B. Davis , Harry L. Davis , Susan Douglas , Salah E. Elmaghraby , Gary Eppen , Eugene F. Fama , Claude Faucheux , Jay Galbraith , Robert Graves , Geert Hofstede , Anthony G. Hopwood , Gerald Hurst , Alex Jacquemin , James Leontiades , Edmond Marques , Lars-Gunnar Mattsson , Philippe A. Naert , Bertil Näslund , Pierre Nepomiatschy , Andrew Pettigrew , Bernard Piganiol , Richard Roll , Maurice Saias , Bruno Solnik , Bengt Stymne , Howard Thomas , Stuart R. Timperley , Raymond Trémolières , Richard Van Horn , Leopold Vansina , Lambert Vanthienen , Birgitta Wadell and Stanley Zionts .


The institute developed into one of the most renowned economic science networks with around 44,364 researchers worldwide (as of 2008). In 1995 the EIASM Academic Council was founded as a carrier, in which over 90 universities, colleges and institutes from 25 countries are involved. EIASM is President Paul Coughlan ( Trinity College ); Vice-presidents are Pierre Batteau ( University of Aix-Marseille ), Christer Karlsson ( Copenhagen Business School ) and Borge Obel ( Aarhus School of Business ). Scientific director is Joan-Enric Ricart ( University of Navarra (IESE) ).

From 1973 to 1988, more than 800 completed doctoral studies at EIASM. In 1988 the EDEN Graduate School (EIASM's Doctoral Education Network) was founded. Between 1988 and 2008, EDEN had 3,278 graduates and more than 250 scientists from all over the world were involved.

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