Eva Silverstein

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Eva Silverstein (born October 24, 1970 ) is an American physicist who deals with theoretical elementary particle physics and string theory.


Silverstein studied at Harvard University (bachelor's degree in 1992) and received his doctorate from Princeton University in 1996 with Edward Witten . As a post-doctoral student , she was at Rutgers University and in 1999 at the Institute for Advanced Study . In 1997 she became Assistant Professor, 2001 Associate Professor and 2006 Professor at SLAC at Stanford University . In 2009/2010 she was at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) at the University of California, Santa Barbara .

Among other things, she dealt with mechanisms for inflation (e.g. with D-brane dynamics) and predictions for primordial gravitational wave signals in the CMB (Axion-Monodromy, with Alexander Westphal , also as a mechanism for protecting the inflation potential against quantum corrections) within string theory. , Dark energy and models for cosmological constants, resolution of special space-time singularities (with condensation of closed string tachyons ), with supersymmetry break and extensions of the AdS / CFT correspondence (with Shamit Kachru ), also with application in solid state physics.

In 1999 she became a MacArthur Fellow and Sloan Research Fellow and received the Department of Energy's Outstanding Young Investigator Award and the Bergmann Memorial Award. She has been a Fellow of the American Physical Society since 2016 and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2020 .

She is married to the string theorist Shamit Kachru , with whom she also works a lot.


  • Silverstein: TASI Lectures on Moduli and Microphysics . 2004, arxiv : hep-th / 0405068
  • with McAllister: String Cosmology- a review . In: Gen. Rel.Grav. , 40, 2008, p. 565, arxiv : 0710.2951
  • Les Houches Lectures on inflationary observables and string theory . 2013, arxiv : 1311.2312

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Eva Silverstein in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  2. ^ Silverstein, David Tong: Scalar Speed ​​Limits and Cosmology: Acceleration from D-cceleration . In: Phys. Rev. D, Volume 70, 2004, p. 103505, arxiv : hep-th / 0310221
  3. ^ Silverstein, Alexander Westphal: Monodromy in the CMB: Gravity Waves and String Inflation . In: Phys. Rev. D, Volume 78, 2008, p. 106003, arxiv : 0803.3085
  4. ^ Eva Silverstein: Axion Monodromy Inflation. Guest post on Lubos Motl's blog, 2014
  5. ^ Silverstein: Singularities and closed string tachyons , lecture at the Solvay Conference 2005 in Brussels, arxiv : hep-th / 0602230 . Adams, Polchinski, Silverstein: Don't panic! Closed string tachyons in ALE spacetimes . In: JHEP , 2001, arxiv : hep-th / 0108075 . Silverstein, McGreevy: The Tachyon at the end of the universe . In: JHEP , 2005, arxiv : hep-th / 0506130
  6. Aharony, Kachru, Silverstein: Simple stringy dynamical SUSY breaking . 2007, arxiv : 0708.0493