Evangelical Sisters' Convention "Lumen Christi"

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The Evangelical Sisters' Convention "Lumen Christi" is a community with the status of a registered association within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria . The name “ Lumen Christi ” ( dt .: Light of Christ ) is borrowed from the call from the liturgy of the Easter Vigil and belongs to the celebration of light at the beginning of the Vigil of the Easter Vigil . The motherhouse was in Gößweinstein .


The founder of the community was the deaconess and long-time superior Else Wolf. Before joining the deaconesses' mother house in Neuendettelsau , she was the chief secretary and chauffeur of the Nuremberg district dean Julius Schieder for over 20 years . In 1977 she founded the Evangelical Sisters' Convention and moved to Nuremberg with the deaconesses . In 1990 the community moved its residence to Gößweinstein and built its new mother house here. The convent of sisters at times consisted of 25 deaconesses, their prioress is Sister Ilse Printz. The community in Gößweinstein cultivated a lively ecumenical movement and worked with the local Franciscans and other Catholic institutions. After the founder's death in 2006, the three remaining sisters moved to Rödermark. The house in Gößweinstein was operated by a sponsoring association as a prayer house and guest house.


The women live in a spiritual community; they trace their calling back to the foundations of the Bible: “But they remained steadfast in the teaching of the apostles and in the community and in breaking bread and in prayer. (Acts 2.42 EU ). Its aim is to contribute to the spiritual renewal of the church and society . The convention members have decided to live by the evangelical counsels , which include celibacy , poverty and obedience . Your daily life is shaped by prayer , from which the 'prayer service and diaconal missionary service' grows - leading people into a binding community with Jesus Christ. ”They wear a dark blue religious costume with a white hood .


The sisters' offerings included regular home groups, religious seminars and retreats . It was also invited to evening prayer on the weekend. There was also a bibliodrama course, one-on-one interviews and friends' days.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. Sisters leave the place of pilgrimage. In: nordbayern.de. Retrieved June 25, 2016 .
  2. The pavilion. House of prayer Franconian Switzerland. In: gebets.haus. Retrieved June 25, 2016 .