Evelina (apple)

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Synonyms RoHo3615
Art Cultivated apple ( Malus domestica )
origin Saxony, Pillnitz
Launch 2007


List of apple varieties
Views of the fruit

The Evelina is a European apple - Club locations and is listed in the register of varieties under RoHo3615 (Red Hofmann). The apple is planted u. a. in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Slovakia and Croatia. The licensor in all countries is Evelina GmbH, based in Italy. Brokers act as licensees in the respective countries , in Germany it is Evelina Deutschland GmbH. The peel of the apple is mainly red with stripes, covered with a slight yellow tint, its flesh is described as crisp and with a sweet, slightly sourish taste.

Tree, fruit and properties


Compared to the Pinova, the Evelina has an earlier and more intense red color. The flesh is crisp, the skin and consistency firm, so it stays fresh and can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. The coloring of the fruits is less influenced by hail nets than with the original Pinova variety.

Location and tree

The trees are on the most commonly used in fruit growing base M9 high between 2.40 meters and 3.40 meters. The recommended distance between trees when planting is 80 centimeters, so that a high yield is possible. Ornamental apples (such as Evereste, Red Sentinel , Professor Sprenger) or other well-known apple varieties such as Elstar and Golden Delicious serve as pollinators .


The Evelina apple was bred by Pflanzen Hofmann GmbH in Langensendelbach . Its original apple is the Pinova , which in turn is a cross between Golden Delicious and Clivia . The Evelina is protected as a variety and is listed under RoHo 3615 in the variety register. This makes it not just a mutant of the Pinova, but an independent variety.

Since 2007 the Evelina has been grown in Germany in all production-relevant growing areas: Brandenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. The Evelina Germany GmbH occurs in Germany as a broker (licensee) since, 2014. This club apple is distributed by producer organizations and marketers .

Cultivation and harvest

In the European microclimate , the most favorable locations and growth conditions for the Evelina apple were determined through various Europe-wide observation phases and different tree materials. In 2016 it will be grown on over 250 hectares in Germany.

Harvest time is from September to October, beginning of November, depending on weather conditions. The harvest is carried out in several phases in order to guarantee the red color of the Evelina. Gradually, the apples with the highest proportion of red are removed from the tree so that the remaining ones have room to continue to color and grow.

Web links

Commons : Evelina (apple)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.fruitplant.it/de/evelina/ Retrieved April 10, 2019
  2. https://deutsches-obst-und-gemuese.de/evelina/ Retrieved on April 10, 2019
  3. http://www.gartenbau.sachsen.de/download/Hagelnetz_Hd_.pdf Retrieved on April 10, 2019
  4. http://www.garten-infothek.de/ Pflanzenwissen/ obst / pinova Retrieved on April 10, 2019