Evergestis dumerlei

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Evergestis dumerlei
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Crambidae
Subfamily : Glaphyriinae
Genre : Evergestis
Type : Evergestis dumerlei
Scientific name
Evergestis dumerlei
Leraut , 2003

Evergestis dumerlei is a butterfly from the family of Crambiden ( Crambidae ).


The moths have a wingspan of 19 to 26 millimeters. The head and thorax are light ocher brown, the abdomen is ocher white. The labial palps are short and hardly protrude. They are ocher in color and whitish at the base. The forewings have a rather pointed apex . They are orange-yellow and reticulated orange-brown. The gray-brown, sloping, outer transverse belt meets near the apex to the Costa loader . The outer transverse line is curved and runs parallel to the outer transverse band. On the inner wing edge and on the Costa loader, both are further apart. The fringed scales are brown-gray. The hind wings are light and rounded and shaded gray-brown on the outer edges. The brown outer transverse line is barely noticeable. The underside is light and shines gray-yellow. The apex of the fore wing undersides is darker. The intensity of the dark areas on the forewings is variable.

In the males, the valves are quite long and parallel-walled. They have a rounded apex. The uncus is very long and thin and has long scales apically . The Gnathos is long and already very thin at the base. It is provided with a few teeth. The Juxta is long and thin. The vinculum and saccus are thin. The phallus is quite long and has two rows of well-developed cornuti that are larger than Evergestis politalis .

In females the anal papillae are rather small and slightly lobed ventrally . The apophyses are short. The antrum is large and clearly sclerotized . The ductus seminalis is in the vicinity of a sclerotic ring and an oval thickening with the bursae duct connected. The bursal duct is quite short. It begins near the seminal duct and widens moderately to the corpus bursae . The latter is oval and has two long sclerotized signs. In E. dumerlei the antrum is larger than in Evergestis politalis and Evergestis marocana , but smaller than in Evergestis marionalis .

Similar species

Evergestis dumerlei is well characterized by the light basic color of the forewings and the distinct dark outer transverse ligament. The similar species Evergestis marocana has reticulated front wings and clearly gray-edged hind wings.


Evergestis dumerlei occurs in France, Spain and North Africa ( Morocco ). In 2010 the species was also found in Italy (South Tyrol).


The pre-imaginal stages resemble those of the species Evergestis politalis . The moths fly from late August to early October. In Morocco, the species also flies at higher altitudes.


The type locality is in the High Atlas in Morocco (Asif, Aït-Iren).

supporting documents

  1. a b c d e Barry Goater, Matthias Nuss, Wolfgang Speidel: Pyraloidea I (Crambidae, Acentropinae, Evergestinae, Heliothelinae, Schoenobiinae, Scopariinae) . In: P. Huemer, O. Karsholt, L. Lyneborg (eds.): Microlepidoptera of Europe . 1st edition. tape 4 . Apollo Books, Stenstrup 2005, ISBN 87-88757-33-1 , pp. 94 (English).
  2. Evergestis dumerlei at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved October 25, 2013
  3. Huemer, Peter (2012): Long-term monitoring of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera) in forest locations in South Tyrol (IT01 Ritten and IT02 Mintiggl). Forest Observer 6: pp. 5-74
  4. Global Information System on Pyraloidea (GlobIZ). Retrieved October 25, 2013 .

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