Exact sequence

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The concept of the exact sequence or exact sequence plays a central role in the mathematical subfield of homological algebra . The short, exact sequences are particularly important .


One sequence

of objects and morphisms in a suitable category means exactly at the point if

holds, d. H. when the image of one arrow is equal to the core of the next. A longer sequence

means exact , if it is exactly at the places , and (analogous for shorter or longer sequences).

In this sense, a category is apparently only suitable if one can meaningfully speak of the core and the image. This is the case for all Abelian categories , but also, for example, for the category Grp of groups and group homomorphisms .


  • If there is a homomorphism between Abelian groups , then is and . The sequence is therefore exactly at the point if is.
  • A sequence is exact if and only if a monomorphism , i. H. is injective . Using a hook arrow, this can also be written with 2 terms:
  • One sequence
is exact if and only if an epimorphism , i. H. is surjective . Using a double-headed arrow, this can also be written with 2 terms:
  • For every homomorphism of vector spaces ( Abelian groups , modules , every morphism of an Abelian category) there is an exact sequence as follows:
In Grp , however, the sequence is only exact if the image is a normal divider in . Even in additive but not Abelian categories, the exactness is not necessarily given. This denotes the coke core of .
  • Be for a group
    • the center ,
    • the group of automorphisms ,
    • the group of internal automorphisms and
    • the group of external automorphisms
from . Then there is the sequence
exactly. The middle arrow is through

Short exact sequences


An exact sequence of form

is called a short exact sequence .

Disintegrating short exact sequences

A short exact sequence disintegrates when has a cut . Occasionally, instead of disintegrating , the term splits is also used, which is due to an incorrect translation of the English term split .

In an additive category it also follows from this that a retraction has the resulting sequence

is also exact and that these sequences are isomorphic to



If a short exact sequence falls apart in the category of groups, this only results in an operation of on , and that is a semi-direct product of and with regard to this operation . For example, the cyclic group is a subgroup of the symmetric group , which is the short exact sequence

results; by mapping the non-neutral element of to an element of order 2 in , a split is obtained.

Splitting a long exact sequence

Every long exact sequence can be broken down into short exact sequences by inserting cores and coke cores : is

an exact sequence, so be

Then there are short exact sequences

If there is a chain complex , the exactness of all this short sequence is equivalent to the exactness of the long sequence.


In the context of a short, exact sequence

one also says that an extension of is through .

If, for example, there is a normal divisor in the group and the factor group , a short, exact sequence is obtained


where the second arrow is the embedding of in and the third is the quotient map . This is an extension of and and one can ask the question of a classification of all possible extensions of and . Corresponding questions can be found in the category of rings or modules over a solid ring. This leads to mathematical terms like Ext or group cohomology .

See also
