Exotic forest

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Exotic forest Weinheim

The exotic forest in Weinheim is an arboretum founded in 1872 and with a size of 60 hectares one of the largest in Europe. While in other arboretums exotic tree species are often only shown in groups or a few individual specimens, in the exotic forest an entire piece of forest is always planted with one tree species. So z. B. sequoia trees  - mostly seen as single specimens in Germany - can be regarded as forest trees, now with a height of up to 60 meters. Of the total of 400 tree and shrub species whose planting has been tested so far, 170 are left.

The exotic forest adjoins the Weinheim Castle Park to the south , which is also home to the largest cedar tree in Germany.


The exotic forest was founded in 1872 by Baron Christian Friedrich Gustav von Berckheim . The fields he planted are among the oldest occurrences of some exotic tree species in Germany. Berckheim bought the Gewannen Sommerhalde, Wichtersgasse, Gassenweg, Judenbuckel and Weihertal, creating an estate of around 36 hectares. He planted a total of 12,494 trees on it between 1872 and 1883. Of the 150 species of trees and shrubs originally planted at that time, around 50 have remained. The avenues laid out at that time have almost completely disappeared.

After a long period of disinterest, the forest was reinforced in the 1930s to include other tree species, mainly from Japan and East Asia . Examples are the Japanese magnolia ( Magnolia hypoleuca ), the sickle fir ( Cryptomeria japonica ) and the Japanese cake tree ( Cercidiphyllum japonicum ).

The state of Baden-Württemberg acquired the forest in 1955 and expanded it to its current size of 60 hectares.


Old tree species from Europe , the Mediterranean , North Africa , North America , Asia Minor and East Asia , but also from other countries are predominantly represented:

Mediterranean and North Africa
North America
East asia
Other (or not assignable)


The exotic forest is accessible as a public forest area from the Weinheim Castle Park with three signposted paths: the black pine circular route (2.4 km), the exotic forest circular route (3.1 km) and the large circular route (4.4 km). In the summer until the end of October, a public tour is offered on Saturdays (except Saturday) at 4 p.m. for three or more people.

Web links

Commons : Exotenwald Weinheim  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  • Ulrich Wilhelm with the collaboration of Wolfgang Ernst: The Weinheimer Exotenwald . Verlag DiesbachMedien GmbH, 2nd edition 2002, ISBN 978-3-9806464-6-8
  • Ernst Noe, Dr. Ulrich Wilhelm: The Exotenwald Weinheim 1872-1997. 125 years of foreign land cultivation on Bergstrasse in: Series of publications by the State Forestry Administration of Baden-Württemberg, Volume 19, Stuttgart 1997
  • Ulrich Wilhelm: The Weinheim exotic forest. Plants of the world at the Odenwald. In: Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg , 35th year 2006, issue 3, pp. 158–163. ( PDF; 8.8 MB )

Individual evidence

  1. The exotic forest - a dendrological treasure in the heart of Weinheim. Archived from the original on February 20, 2012 ; accessed on January 11, 2016 . Section: The jewel of the Wilhelminian era: the sequoia tree

Coordinates: 49 ° 32 ′ 27 ″  N , 8 ° 40 ′ 30 ″  E