Fatima Langa

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Fátima José Correia Langa , or Fátima Langa for short (born June 24, 1953 in the village of Bahanine, Manjacaze District , Gaza Province , Portuguese East Africa ; † June 25, 2017 in Maputo ) was a Mozambican writer.


Fátima Langa was born in 1953 in the small village of Bahanine in the Manjacaze district of the Gaza province of the then Portuguese colony of Mozambique. Langa, who grew up in her native Cicopi , attended elementary school in Manjacaze , where she learned Portuguese; later she completed her first vocational preparation courses in the provincial capital João Belo (now Xai-Xai). She initially completed her training in the colonial capital of Lourenço Marques (now Maputo).

Langa said of herself that from an early age she had enjoyed hearing and telling stories. Later she began to write down her first stories and was supported and motivated mainly by her friend and acquaintance Lília Momplé . In 1986 Langa won second place in a UNESCO literary competition ("Three Stories of Three Women") with the text "A Morte da Bela Acácia" (The Death of the Beautiful Acacia).

In 2004 she published her first book "Uma Jibóia no Congelador", followed in 2006 by "Vhembeleti". Since then she has frequently published poems and short stories in Mozambican newspapers and magazines. In 2010 she began studying journalism at Eduardo Mondlane University .

In addition to her literary work, Langa was also involved in two women's organizations: MUCHEFA, a small organization that mainly supports women infected with HIV, and DINÂMICA, an organization that helps disadvantaged children in Mozambique.

The Brazilian Academia de Ciências e Letras de Conselheiro Lafayette (ACLCN) recognized Langa for their work and commitment.


  • 2004: Uma Jibóia no Congelador
  • 2006: Vhembeleti
  • 2012: O rapaz ea raposa (in Portuguese and Cicopi )
  • 2013: O Coelho ea Águia (in Portuguese and Cicopi)
  • 2014: O Leão, a Mulher e Criança
  • 2015: A Gazela, o Carneiro e O Coelho (in Portuguese and Makonde )
  • 2016: Ndinema vai à escola

Individual evidence

  1. Fátima Langa dies , clubofmozambique.com, June 27, 2017, accessed November 21, 2018
  2. a b c d Fátima Langa. (No longer available online.) In: Mulemba. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, July 2010, archived from the original on October 13, 2016 ; Retrieved October 14, 2016 (Portuguese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / setorlitafrica.letras.ufrj.br
  3. ^ BCI patrocina obra literária de Fátima Langa. BCI, March 6, 2014, accessed October 14, 2016 (Portuguese).
  4. a b Mussa Chaleque: Bem haja escritora Fátima Langa. In: Jornal Notícias. June 29, 2015. Retrieved October 14, 2016 (Portuguese).
  5. Fátima Langa lança mais uma obra literária. In: Jornal Notícias. June 25, 2015. Retrieved October 14, 2016 (Portuguese).
  6. "Ndinema vai à escola" novo livro da escritora Fatima Langa. In: TVE24. March 23, 2016. Retrieved October 14, 2016 (Portuguese).