Principality of Rostov

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Principality of Rostov was the name given to various sub-principalities of the Kievan Rus between 988 and 1474.

The Kiev Empire 1015–1113. Rostov region marked in blue in the east of the Rus


In the 11th century, the principality of Rostov comprised an area between the Oka , Northern Dvina and Volga . Important castles were Beloosero , Suzdal and Yaroslavl . In the 13th century Uglich and Ustyug were among them.



Rostov was first mentioned for 862 . In 911 it was named as one of the five important castles of the Kievan Rus under Oleg .

988 to 1015

The Principality of Rostov was formed around 988 when Vladimir the Great divided the Kievan Rus among his sons. Yaroslav the Wise became the first prince . Around 1010 his half-brother Boris became his successor after Yaroslav became Prince of Novgorod. In 1015 Boris was murdered by his stepbrother Jaropolk in the course of the power struggles to succeed Vladimir the Great. Rostov fell to the Principality of Novgorod .

In 1054 the area went to the Principality of Pereyaslavl under Vsevolod , a son of Yaroslav.

1113 to 1125

In 1113 (or 1096?) Yuri Dolgoruki became prince of Rostov. In 1125 he moved the capital to Suzdal .

1207 to 1474

In 1207 a part of Rostov was re-established under Konstantin Vsevoloditsch. In 1219 it was divided into the principalities of Yaroslavl , Uglich and Rostov.

In 1238 it was badly devastated when the Golden Horde invaded it. In 1474 it fell to the Grand Duchy of Moscow under Ivan III.


  • Владимирское великое княжество , in Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона , St. Petersburg 1890–1907