FA Vinnen & Co.

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FA Vinnen & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG)

legal form GmbH & Co. KG
founding 1819
Seat Bremen
management Executive Director:
  • Michael Vinnen
  • Bernd Hein
Branch Shipping company
Website www.vinnen.com

F. A. Vinnen & Co. is the oldest existing shipping company in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen . The family company FA Vinnen & Co. currently manages ten container ships . The personally liable partner is Vinnen Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH.

The rebuilt administration building of the company in Bremen - Mitte at Altenwall 21–23 was built in 1952 according to plans by Carl Eeg . It has been a listed building in Bremen since 1978 .


Headquarters at Altenwall 20–23
The four-masted barque Magdalena Vinnen II , today Sedov , taken in March 1933

The shipping company was founded in 1819 in Bremen under the name E. C. Schramm & Co. founded. This makes it the oldest existing shipping company in Bremen and one of the oldest shipping companies in Germany. 1909 took over Adolf Vinnen (1868-1926), the shipping company from his father Christel Vinnen and renamed it in 1911 in F. A. Vinnen & Co. to. As a result, he significantly expanded the company's sailing fleet by taking over the Hamburg shipping company Alster , which owned eight four-masted barques .

Building: In 1912 the company moved to the office building at Altenwall No. 21–23. This four-storey house today was built around 1850 in the classicist era according to plans by Anton Theodor Eggers and in 1912 it was converted into a modern office building for the Vinnen company according to plans by Carl Eeg. After severe destruction in World War II, it was rebuilt in 1952. Later came the addition of a ribbon of glass windows. Today (2018) it is still the company's headquarters.

In the founding years, tobacco was mainly imported . Before the Second World War , Vinnen was one of the major sailing ship companies for a long time. In 1921 the four-masted barque Magdalene Vinnen was built for the shipping company. The barque is still the largest sailing ship in the world and is currently sailing under the Russian flag as a training ship Sedov .

After the Second World War, the shipping company resumed operations with motor ships. Initially, the ships went “tramping” around the world. In the 1970s, F. A. Vinnen & Co. operated a regular service to West Africa together with the Europe Africa Line (EAL) .

From 1980 to 2016, the majority of the shipping company belonged to the Wünsche Group.
In 1993 the shipping company was transferred to Wünsche Handelsgesellschaft International , which was included in the scope of consolidation of Wünsche GmbH & Co. KG .
Since the end of 2016, the shipping company FA Vinnen & Co. is no longer part of the Wünsche GmbH & Co. KG and after the recall of the shares in the Wünsche Group by the managing partner Michael Vinnen it is again a purely family business.

Today nine container ships in sizes from 2600 to 5000 TEU sail under the traditional blue and white flag.

See also


  • Christel Vinnen: Headquarters of the old Bremen shipping company FA Vinnen and Co. In: Bremen houses tell history , Volume 2, Döll Edition, Bremen 2001, ISBN 393628931X .
  • Rudolf Stein : Classicism and Romanticism in the architecture of Bremen. Hauschild Verlag , Bremen 1964.

Individual evidence

  1. Monument database of the LfD Bremen
  2. Fleet , accessed October 1, 2019

Web links

Commons : FA Vinnen & Co.  - Collection of images, videos and audio files