Specialist educator for music

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Specialist educators for music are state-recognized educators (or educators with an equivalent professional qualification) who have acquired an additional technical college degree for musical education and training. Specialist educators can use their specific qualifications in all fields of work in which educators are also active. In addition, music educators can also work in fields that go beyond those of the state-recognized educator.
The job title “Facherzieherin für Musik” is occasionally used outside of technical schools. The present article relates to the professional qualification as a specialist music educator acquired at a socio-educational college .

Legal basis

The framework agreement on technical schools passed by the Standing Conference of Education Ministers in the Federal Republic of Germany requires state-recognized educators and a., to children and young people in all socio-educational areas independently and on their own responsibility to educate , to form and serve . State-recognized educators should be able to recognize the skills , development opportunities and needs of children and young people in the various age groups and plan, implement, document and evaluate appropriate educational offers. For this z. B. In the plans of the federal states for early education, musical education and upbringing are expressly required alongside other content.
With the sharpening of the educator profile in the framework agreement on the training and examination of educators (resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education of September 24, 1982), the possibility of additional training was opened up:

Insofar as "state-recognized educators" want to qualify for special tasks in socio-educational areas, additional training of at least one year in full-time form or in a correspondingly longer period in part-time form is required. Those who have worked as a "state-recognized educator" for at least one year can be admitted.

In the following framework agreement on technical schools (resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of November 7, 2002 in the version dated February 27, 2013), the additional training courses are referred to as supplementary training offers (or supplementary courses):

Technical schools are institutions for professional development. The courses in the departments follow on from initial vocational training and professional experience. In different organizational forms of teaching (full-time or part-time) they lead to a state post-secondary professional qualification according to state law. You can also offer supplementary / advanced training courses as well as measures for adaptation training. ...
Supplementary training courses which build on a technical college degree according to this agreement and which serve to expand the qualification last at least 600 teaching hours.

On this basis, a technical college course has so far only been set up in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, leading to a qualification as a specialist music teacher. In the ordinance on training and examinations at schools for social pedagogy (FSVOS) of July 5, 1996 i. d. F. from May 26, 2001 (valid until 2006), this training course was regulated alongside that of the specialist educator for children and young people with behavioral problems and alongside that of the specialist educator for tourism.

Goals and contents of the training

Music educators are able to recognize musical interests and needs of children and adolescents, to present a stimulating, varied musical offer for their leisure activities and thus to promote or arouse relevant interests. You can develop the musical abilities of children and young people in a professional, systematic and age-related manner and use the musical activity to develop their personality. Specialist educators for music create early musical education for preschool children and in particular implement music education -related tasks in the curriculum for early education in day-care centers. Specialist educators for music are able to give elementary instrumental lessons, to lead music-making groups and to conduct music education in integrative or inclusive groups.

Training content:

  • Psychology and social pedagogy (interaction and group; music education in socio-pedagogical fields of work; selected information from neuropsychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology, communication psychology and psychotherapy)
  • Music theory and ear training (basic aural, music theoretical and music-making prerequisites for the activity of the music educator; development of musical hearing ability, musical memory, sound imaginations and the ability to reproduce sound based on the musical notation)
  • Music history (music development and social development, connection to other arts; consideration of the work taking into account the historical and genre-specific representation as well as its use in various socio-educational fields; musical life in the region)
  • Instrument science (playing instruments in music education, elementary acoustic parameters and systematics of musical instruments, sound and specific characteristics of important instruments, self-construction of instruments, analog and digital audio formats, processing of sound files)
  • Methodology of music education (analysis, planning, design and evaluation of music education in socio-educational work areas; methods for developing listening and singing skills, musical-rhythmic movement and other forms of performing music as well as developing music-making skills)
  • Rhythmics, dance and improvisation (potential for expression of rhythm, dance and improvisation and their interaction; rhythm in socio-educational fields of work, holistic orientation of rhythm; development of musical enthusiasm for playing and experimentation, strengthening ingenuity and expressiveness)
  • 1. Instrument - guitar (use of the guitar in music education; development of playing technique, literary play as well as song play and song accompaniment)
  • 2. Instrument - keyboard (use of the keyboard in music education; development of playing technique, literary play, as well as song play and song accompaniment; instrumentology related to the keyboard)
  • Choir and ensemble management (leadership of choral singing with conducting means based on a design concept; unanimous choral singing, canons, quodlibets, two or three-part choral movements, choral voice training, effective rehearsal work, instrumental ensemble music, children's music theater)
  • Singing (vocal functionally correct singing, aesthetically justified song interpretation, security in two-part and polyphonic singing, basics of vocal training and vocal pedagogical work)
  • Internship (supervised internship in various socio-educational institutions)

Fields of work

Typical activities of the music educator in different social groups and in different fields of work are:

  • The specialist music educator uses his music education skills in the day-care center to work with the children in his own group.
  • The specialist music educator also includes children from other groups in his musical offers or submits offers for all children of the institution.
  • The music educator works with a relatively constant group specially trained for musical activity over a long period of time and develops targeted musical interests, needs and skills.
  • The music educator offers musical activities throughout the day and can closely connect music with the children's lives. The offers of the specialist educator are also usually free of charge for parents.
  • The music educator also submits his offer in one or more other day care centers.
  • The specialist music educator works predominantly or exclusively in several institutions and does not lead his own group.
  • The specialist music educator submits his offers in different age groups and institutions. This also includes schools, after-school care centers, homes, youth welfare institutions and music schools.
  • The music educator is a self-employed music educator or a teacher at a music school , e.g. B. in early musical education for children of preschool age.
  • The specialist educator for music advises parents z. B. with regard to the promotion of talent, singing and making music together in the family.
  • The specialist music educator organizes advanced training courses for colleagues.


  • German Music Council: Musical Education in Germany. One theme in 16 variations.
  • German Music Council: Music moves. Position papers on musical education.
  • Feudel, Elfriede: Rhythm. Theory and practice of physical and musical education. Kallmeyersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Munich 1926 and 1996.
  • Glathe, Brita and Hannelore Krause-Wichert: Rhythm and improvisation. Models for rhythm lessons and musical improvisation. Kallmeyersche Verlagbuchhandlung, Seelze-Velber, 1997.
  • Gruhn, Wilfried: History of music education. A cultural and social history from singing lessons in educational pedagogy to aesthetic and cultural education. Cloud, Hofheim 2003.
  • Jaszus, Rainer; Irmgard Büchlein-Wilhelm; Martina Mäder-Berg; Wolfgang Gutmann: Socio-educational learning fields for educators. Holland + Josehans, Stuttgart 2008.
  • Kestenberg, Leo: Music education and music care. Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig 1921.
  • o. V .: No kid's stuff! Educator training. (Textbook in 2 volumes). Westermann, Braunschweig 2013.
  • Parisch, Barbara: Personality development through music. Rhythmic-musical education as a teaching principle. Diplomica, Hamburg 2012.
  • Rieber, Dorothea; Claudia Kassel: Raising, educating and looking after children. Textbook for training and study. Cornelsen, Berlin 2012.
  • Spitzer, Manfred: Music in the head. Listening, making music, understanding and experiencing in the neural network. Schattenauer, Stuttgart 2008.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. cf. z. B. erzieherin-online.de
  2. cf. Homepage of the KMK
  3. a b Framework agreement on technical schools
  4. cf. Overview of the German education server
  5. Framework agreement on the training and examination of educators (resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education of September 24, 1982) In: Collection of the resolutions of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education of the Federal Republic of Germany, loose-leaf collection. Luchterhand Verlag, Darmstadt and Neuwied, 80th update delivery, June 1995.
  6. Fachschulverordnung Sozialpädagogik ( Memento of the original dated February 21, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / berufenet.arbeitsagentur.de