Falk-Constantin Wagner

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Falk Wagner (2019)

Falk-Constantin Wagner (born June 16, 1989 in Hamburg ) is a German social scientist, politician ( SPD ) and member of the Bremen citizenship .


education and profession

Wagner grew up in the Harburg district and in Hamburg- Harburg . During his school days he was an active member of the student council. After graduating from high school in 2008, he studied social sciences at the University of Bremen until 2014, combined with studying abroad in Salamanca . He completed his studies with a master’s degree in social policy with a master’s thesis on controlling labor administration according to SGB II . During his studies he was a member and temporarily president of the study council of the University of Bremen. From 2009 to 2013 he carried out student assistant jobs and an internship at the German Trade Union Federation (DGB) in Bremen.

From 2014 to 2017 worked in the Bremen administration, including a. as a project manager for real estate in Bremen and in financial policy for the integration of refugees. Since 2018 he has been a budgetary and finance advisor at the Bremen Senator for Finance .


Wagner became a member of the SPD in 2004. He was active for the Jusos and their UB chairman (2010/12) and state chairman in Bremen (2012/15). From 2016 to 2018 he was chairman of the local SPD association in Walle. Since 2018 he has been chairman of the sub-district Bremen of the SPD.

In May 2019 he was elected to the Bremen citizenship. He is a member of the Committee for Port Affairs and the Municipal Port Committee as well as spokesman for the Deputations for Mobility, Construction and Urban Development and a member of the Deputation for Economy, Labor and Ports.

Further memberships


  • The State Returning Officer: Press release from May 30, 2019

Web links

Commons : Falk-Constantin Wagner  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Petra Spangenberg: Falk Wagner replaces Pohlmann . In: Weser-Kurier from February 25, 2016.
  2. Antje Stürmann: Sovereign victory for Falk Wagner . In: Weser-Kurier of March 17, 2018