Fanny Harlfinger-Zakucka

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Fanny Harlfinger-Zakucka (born on May 26, 1873 in Mank , Lower Austria ; died on September 19, 1954 in Vienna ) was an Austrian painter , graphic artist and craftsperson . She was the wife of the painter Richard Harlfinger .

Artistic career

Fanny Zakucka studied from 1899 to 1903 at the art school for women and girls under Adolf Boehm and Ludwig Michalek , then at the Vienna School of Applied Arts .

After completing her studies, she made a name for herself as a painter, craftsperson and designer for interior decoration and textiles. From 1914 she was a member of the Association of Austrian Women Artists (VBKÖ) and took part in their exhibitions. In 1926 she founded the Association of Fine Artists and Craftsmen Wiener Frauenkunst , a radical split from the VBKÖ, and became its first and only president. In addition to the fine arts, Viennese women's art also emphasized the traditional "women's arts", i. H. Cabaret, applied arts and applied arts. During the Second World War , Wiener Frauenkunst and VBKÖ were renamed and incorporated due to the Gleichschaltungsgesetz . After Harlfinger-Zakucka's death in 1954, the newly organized Viennese women's art was dissolved.


Works (selection)

  • Graphics in Ver Sacrum
  • Children's book Taferlklasse
  • Illustrations in the magazines
    • Dear Augustine (1904)
    • The Area (1909)



  • Almuth Spiegler: Viennese women's art . In: tomorrow . tape 5/16 , 2016.

Web links