Cratoneuron filicinum

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Cratoneuron filicinum
Cratoneuron filicinum (a, 144724-474812) 5782.jpg

Cratoneuron filicinum

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Hypnales
Family : Amblystegiaceae
Genre : Cratoneuron
Type : Cratoneuron filicinum
Scientific name of the  genus
(Sull.) Spruce
Scientific name of the  species
Cratoneuron filicinum
( Hedw. ) Spruce

Cratoneuron filicinum , also known as Fern-like Starknervmoos , is aspecies of deciduous moss from the Amblystegiaceae family .

According to the current systematics, the species is the only species of the genus Cratoneuron worldwide .


Cratoneuron filicinum forms loose, low ceilings or lawns with a yellow-green to golden-brown color. The prostrate to almost upright plants are about 3 to 5 centimeters long and have few and irregular or (often) regular pinnate branches. Particularly prostrate stems are often covered with numerous brown rhizoids. Paraphyllia can be few or numerous. The stem leaves are triangular, often have a sickle-shaped curved tip, toothed edges all around and a very strong vein (name cratoneuron: Greek kratos = strength and neuron = nerve), which often extends to the tip of the leaf. The clearly separated leaf wings run far down the trunk. The branch leaves are smaller, ovate-lanceolate and usually clearly one-sided to sickle-shaped.

The lamina cells in the middle of the leaf are about twice to six times as long as they are wide. The cells of the leaf wings are significantly larger, inflated and hyaline and form a group that is sharply demarcated from the other leaf cells.

Sporophytes have a purple seta up to 4 centimeters long and a cylindrical and strongly curved capsule with a conical-pointed lid. The capsule is severely narrowed under the mouth. The papillary spores are around 14 to 22 µm in size. Spore ripening is in spring.

This species is quite varied in shape and form. The spectrum ranges from strong forms that flood in the water with almost straight leaves, weakly toothed leaf margins and briefly protruding leaf veins (var.fallax) to mountain ridges with lanceolate stem leaves with an attached tip and leaf veins that end well before the leaf tip (var.curvicaule).

Location claims and distribution

Cratoneuron filicinum grows in chalky and moist to wet locations such as sources, brook and river banks, swamps, ditches and on wet paths. It inhabits earth, rock and rotten wood.

The species occurs worldwide in Europe, Asia, North and Central Africa, North and Central America as well as in parts of South America and New Zealand. In Central Europe, it is widespread from the plains to mountain areas over 2000 meters above sea level.



Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Frey, Michael Stech, Eberhard Fischer: Bryophytes and Seedless Vascular Plants (= Syllabus of Plant Families. 3). 13th edition. Borntraeger, Berlin et al. 2009, ISBN 978-3-443-01063-8 , p. 197.

Web links

Commons : Cratoneuron filicinum  - album with pictures, videos and audio files