Fatou Diome

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Fatou Diome (2015)

Fatou Diome (* 1968 in Niodior ) is a Senegalese and French writer .


Fatou Diome was born in the south of Senegal on the small island of Niodior in the Saloum Delta . Her unmarried mother gave her to her grandparents, who raised her and also protected her because her environment and even her family rejected her.

Contrary to what the regional traditions dictate, she became interested in the school where she learned French. Little Fatou had to go to school in secret until her primary school teacher could convince her grandmother to officially enroll her in school. She was particularly interested in francophone literature .

At the age of 13 she left her village to complete her education in other places in Senegal. She financed her living with her own work. She attended high school (Lycee) in Mbour , worked as a nanny in the English-speaking Gambia and finally studied in the capital Dakar .

At the age of 22 she married a French man and followed him to France. Not accepted by her husband's family, she divorced after two years. In order to be able to finance her university education, she worked as a cleaning lady for over six years. Even when she got a low-paid lecturer position, she still had to earn extra money.

In 1994 she settled in Strasbourg. After studying literature at the University of Strasbourg, she wrote a doctoral thesis on The Journey, Exchange and Education in Sembène Ousmane's literary and cinematic work . She taught at the Marc Bloch University (now Strasbourg University ) and at the Karlsruhe University of Education .

After a first publication, a collection of stories in 2001, Fatou Diome experienced a success as an author with her debut novel Le Ventre de l'Atlantique (2003; German " The belly of the ocean "). France and Africa and their relationship to one another form the framework for their stories and their novel. She describes the integration difficulties after arriving in France, always interspersed with memories of childhood in Senegal.


  • La Préférence Nationale , Stories, 2001 (German natives first!, Translated by András Dörner, sujet Verlag, Bremen 2012)
  • Le Ventre de l'Atlantique , Roman , 2003 (German: The belly of the ocean , translated by Brigitte Große, Diogenes Verlag, Zurich 2004; paperback 2006, ISBN 3-257-23521-6 )
  • Les Loups de l'Atlantique , novella , 2002 (The Wolves of the Atlantic)
  • Kétala , Roman , 2006 (German Ketala , translated by Brigitte Große, Diogenes Verlag, Zurich 2007)
  • in the collection: Étonnants Voyageurs. Nouvelles Voix d'Afrique ( Wonderful Travelers. New Voices of Africa )
  • Inassouvies, nos vies , Roman, 2008, Editions Flammarion
  • Celles qui attendent , Roman, 2010, Editions Flammarion
  • Impossible de grandir , Roman, 2013, Éditions Flammarion


Web links

Commons : Fatou Diome  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Fatou Diome: The Belly of the Ocean . Pearl divers
  2. The Belly of the Ocean . Diogenes Publishing House. Retrieved February 11, 2019