Felix Robert Rodent

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Felix Robert Nager, 1914

Felix Robert Nager (born December 9, 1877 in Lucerne ; † September 7, 1959 in Zurich , Catholic , resident in Lucerne) was a Swiss otorhinolaryngologist .


Felix Robert Nager was born on December 9, 1877 in Lucerne as the son of the doctor Gustav Nager and the Josefine nee Schmid. Nager studied medicine at the universities of Basel , Zurich and Heidelberg , which he completed in Heidelberg in 1901. After earning his doctorate in 1904 at the University of Basel, he completed further training as an ENT doctor at the ENT University Clinic in Basel with Friedrich Silbermann.

In 1908 he switched to Zurich as an otorhinolaryngologist (ORL) specialist, where he completed his habilitation in the same year . There he was entrusted with setting up an ORL clinic, which was adapted as an inpatient department from 1918. He also taught from 1915 as adjunct professor , from 1927 as associate professor and from 1947 to 1948 as full professor of otorhinolaryngology at the University of Zurich.

Felix Robert Nager married Hedwig Emma née Naef in 1910 and Emma Bertha née Reinhart in his second marriage in 1915. He died on September 7, 1959, three months before he would have turned 82 in Zurich.


Felix Robert Nager, who found widespread international recognition as a scientist, was considered a specialist in deaf dumbness and hearing loss , especially in the histological field, and their psychosocial consequences. In addition, the avowed and committed Catholic campaigned particularly for welfare. Acrofacial dysostosis Nager-de Reynier syndrome is named after him and Jean-Pierre de Reynier .

Publications (selection)

  • Contribution to the knowledge of rare abdominal tumors, dissertation , 1904
  • A statistical study of the scarlatinous disease of the auditory organ, habilitation thesis, 1908
  • The deaf-mute in the light of new research and perception, 1909
  • The hardship of the hearing impaired, 1928
  • About changes in the labyrinth capsule in experimental avitaminoses, 1941
  • About changes in the ossicular chain in otosclerosis, 1941
  • About broncholithiasis: removal of a bronchial stone by endoscopic route, 1943
  • To prevent aspiration and the ingestion of foreign bodies, 1943
  • About otosclerotic changes in the ossicles, 1944


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