Ferdinand Bithorn

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Ferdinand Bithorn (* around 1815 in Reichenbach im Eulengebirge , Province of Silesia ; † September 14, 1865 there ) was a German history painter and late Nazarist from the Düsseldorf School .


Bithorn was a pupil of the Breslau portrait painter Johann Heinrich Christoph König (1777–1867) around 1835. In 1838/1839 he studied at or around the Düsseldorf Art Academy , where he took up the style of the Düsseldorf Nazarenes. He lived in Rome from November 26, 1842 to May 10, 1844 . There he took part in 1843 and 1844 in "Cervaro festivals" of the Ponte Molle Society . Sketchbooks, drawings and paintings by him were found in the estate of the architectural painter Adelbert Wölfl, who died in Breslau in 1896 . Bithorn lived in Reichenbach, where he painted a picture in 1842 that was donated to the local evangelical church , and from 1849 worked in the management or as chairman of the Reichenbach trade association "Museum".


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Individual evidence

  1. Schlesische Zeitung , No. 459
  2. ^ Museum Kunstpalast : Artists of the Düsseldorf School of Painting (selection, as of November 2016), PDF
  3. ^ Friedrich Noack : The Germanness in Rome since the end of the Middle Ages . Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart / Berlin / Leipzig 1927, Volume 2, p. 90, PDF
  4. Nekrolog 1865 . In: Thomas Oelsner: Schlesische Provinzialblätter . New series, Eduard Trewendt Verlag, Breslau 1866, Volume 5, p. 333 ( Google Books )