Ferdinand Tobler

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Ferdinand Tobler (* thirtieth May 1870 in Rehetobel ; † 23. June 1951 ibid ; heimatberechtigt in Rehetobel) was a Swiss textile entrepreneurs and politicians from the canton of Appenzell Outer Rhodes .


Ferdinand Tobler was the son of Konrad Tobler and Anna Räth. He married in 1903 Sophie Müllhaupt, daughter of Heinrich Müllhaupt, painter , embroidery producer and community Captain . He attended the primary school in Rehetobel and the orphan school in Trogen . From 1886 he completed an apprenticeship in embroidery drawing in St. Gallen . After that he was employed by an embroidery company in Calais until 1900 . From 1901 Tobler took part in the embroidery factory of the later brother-in-law Leonhard Rohner in Rehetobel. In 1906 he founded his own embroidery . Tobler converted his business into a stocking knitting factory in 1929 . He was one of the few Appenzell entrepreneurs who was able to diversify during the global economic crisis . From 1906 to 1909 he was a local councilor and from 1909 to 1919 as the mayor of Rehetobel. From 1917 to 1938 he was a member of the Ausserrhoder Cantonal Council. At the same time he was a member of the Insurance Commission. Tobler was president of the cantonal shooting club from 1912 to 1916 . He was also a gymnast , singer, fire chief and hunter.


  • Peter Holderegger: Entrepreneurs in Appenzellerland: History of industrial entrepreneurship in Appenzell Ausserrhoden from the beginning to the present. Herisau: Schläpfer 1992, pp. 254, 275.

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