Ferdinando Raffaelli

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Ferdinando Raffaelli (born January 23, 1899 in Rome , † January 1981 ) was an Italian Air Force general.


Raffaelli was initially trained as a pioneer officer in the Italian army and was promoted to sub-lieutenant in August 1922 . Between 1924 and 1927 he completed various aviation courses and obtained the corresponding military pilot licenses. The official transfer to the Italian Air Force ( Regia Aeronautica ) , founded in 1923, took place in 1926. Raffaelli took command of a squadron in 1929 (2ª Squadriglia osservazione aerea) and in 1936 that of a flying group (26º Gruppo) . Before the outbreak of World War II , he commanded another squadron (9º Stormo) , and until July 1941 the operations department of the General Staff of the Regia Aeronautica . In July 1941 he took over command of the Italian air force units in eastern Libya . In March 1942, Raffaelli head of technical development department in the General Staff, where he, among other things the development of was unmanned aircraft concerned (Aereo Radio Pilotato ARP) .

After the war he commanded a territorial command in Padua (2ª Zona Aerea) from September 1945 to September 1948 , then he was deputy chief of the General Staff of the Aeronautica Militare . On April 1, 1951, Raffaelli became inspector of the airborne units and at the same time commander of the territorial air defense . From November 10, 1954 to February 1, 1958, General Raffaelli was Chief of Staff at the helm of the Italian Air Force.


See also


  • Chi è ?: dizionario biografico degli Italiani d'oggi. - 6th edition - Rome: Scarano, 1957

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