Italian Air Force Units in World War II

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The following list of Italian air force units in World War II is not complete.

Emblem of the vertical stabilizer of the Regia Aeronautica (1930–1943)
Macchi MC.200
Savoia-Marchetti SM.79

Major associations

Situation 1943

The Regia Aeronautica ("Royal Italian Air Force") had the following association levels:

  • Armata Aerea : Air fleet, referred to the totality of the flying formations
  • Squadra Aerea : Air Corps, consisting of 2–3 air divisions
  • Divisione Aerea : Air division, consisting of 2-3 squadrons
  • Brigata Aerea : Air Brigade (small division), consisting of 2 squadrons
  • Stormo : Squadron, consisting of 2 flying groups (regimental level)
  • Gruppo : flying group, consisting of 2–3 squadrons (battalion level)
  • Squadriglia : Squadron, consisting of about 6–12 aircraft (company level)
  • Sezione : swarm, consisting of 3–4 aircraft (train level)

Shortly before the start of the Second World War , the Italian Air Force was divided into the following major units:

  • Air Force Command Albania
  • Aegean Air Force Command
  • Air Force Command East Africa
  • Air Transport Command Rome
  • Army Aviation Command
  • Naval Aviation Command

List of Italian Air Force Associations

This list corresponds to the status of June 10, 1940.

NB: Squadrons ("Squadriglie") are usually only given in round brackets in the following list [important locations in square brackets]. After 1945, 12–18 aircraft were combined in a flying group, which is why they are today i. d. Usually translated with the term "Staffel". The further subdivision into “Squadriglie” is now only made for formal, not for operational reasons.

1st Air Corps

HQ Milan

Wing cockade (1935–1943)
  • Material depots in Malpensa, Parma, Sesto Calende, Taliedo, Poggio Renatico, Lonate Pozzolo;
  • Flight test sites in Gorizia and Capodichino;
  • Bomber schools in Aviano, Ghedi, Jesi;
  • Fighter pilot schools in Campoformido, Gorizia, Rimini;
  • Fighter-bomber schools in Ghedi, Lonate Pozzolo, Ravenna, Treviso;
  • Airfield commands in Airasca, Asti, Aviano, Bologna, Bozen, Cameri, Casabianca, Cascina Vaga, Cavriago, Ancona-Falconara, Forli, Ghedi, Ghemme, Genoa, Görz, Jesi, Lagnasco, Lavariano, Levaldigi, Lonate Pozzolo, Milan-Bresso, Milan-Linate, Milan-Malpensa, Maniago, Mondovi, Novi Ligure, Orio al Serio, Osoppo, Parma, Ponte S. Pietro, Piacenza-San Damiano, Pola-Puntisella, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia, S. Agostino, Thiene, Turin- Caselle, Turin-Mirafiori, Turin-Venaria Reale, Trento, Treviso, Udine-Campoformido, Udine-Rivolto, Venegono Inferiore, Verigate, Verona, Villanova d'Albenga, Vizzola Ticino, Vicenza, Villafranca (This list also includes the airfields of the normally 2nd Air Corps stationed in north-east Italy, which had been transferred to Sicily before the outbreak of war.)

2nd Air Division "Borea"

HQ Turin -Caselle

  • Coat of arms 3 ° Stormo 3rd Fighter Squadron (HQ Novi Ligure):
    • Coat of arms 18 ° Gruppo18th hunting group (83rd / 85th / 95th; Fiat CR.42 - Novi Ligure)
    • Coat of arms 23 ° Gruppo 23rd Jagdgruppe (70th / 74th / 75th; Fiat CR.42 - Cervere)
  • Coat of arms 53 ° Stormo 53rd Fighter Squadron (HQ Turin-Caselle):
    • Coat of arms 150 ° Gruppo150th Jagdgruppe (363rd / 364th / 365th; Fiat CR.42 - Turin-Caselle)
    • 151st Hunting Group (366th / 367th / 368th; Fiat CR.42 - Casabianca)
  • Coat of arms 54 ° Stormo 54th Fighter Squadron (after June 10, 1940; HQ Airasca):
    • 152nd Hunting Group (369th / 370th / 371st .; Macchi MC.200 - Airasca)
    • 153rd Jagdgruppe (372nd / 373rd / 374th; Macchi MC.200 - Verigate)

4th flying division "Drago"

HQ Novara

  • Coat of arms 7 ° Stormo 7th Bomber Squadron (Lonate Pozzolo):
    • 4th bomber group (14./14 .; Fiat BR.20 - Lonate Pozzolo)
    • 25th bomber group (8th / 9th; Fiat BR.20 - Ghemme)
  • Coat of arms 13 ° Stormo13th Bomber Squadron ( Piacenza ):
    • 11th bomber group (1st / 4th; Fiat BR.20 - Piacenza)
    • 43rd Bomber Group (3rd / 5th; Fiat BR.20 - Cascina Vaga)
  • Coat of arms 43 ° Stormo43rd Bomber Squadron ( Cameri ):
    • 98th Bomber Group (240th / 241st; Fiat BR.20 - Cameri)
    • 99th Bomber Group (242/243 .; Fiat BR.20 - Cameri)

6th Aviation Division "Falco"

HQ Padua

  • Coat of arms 16 ° Stormo16th bomber squadron (after June 10, 1940; Vicenza ):
    • 50th bomber group (210th/211 .; Cant Z.1007bis - Vicenza)
    • 51st bomber group (212/213 .; Cant Z.1007bis - Vicenza)
  • 18th Bomber Squadron ( Aviano ):
    • 31st bomber group (65th / 66th; Fiat BR.20 - Aviano)
    • 37th bomber group (47th / 48th; Fiat BR.20 - Aviano)
  • 47th Bomber Squadron ( Ghedi ):
    • 106th Bomber Group (260th/261 .; Cant Z.1007bis - Ghedi)
    • 107th Bomber Group (262nd/263 .; Cant Z.1007bis - Ghedi)

2nd Air Corps

Rump cockade (1926–1943)

HQ Palermo . Shortly before the start of the war, this air corps was relocated from Padua and northeastern Italy to Palermo and Sicily.

  • Central material depot in Palermo;
  • Airfield commands in Augusta, Biscari, Castelvetrano, Catania-Fontanarossa, Catania-Sigonella, Comiso, Finocchiara, Gela, Gerbini, Lentini, Licata, Stagnone, Milazzo, Palermo-Boccadifalco, Pantelleria, Ponteolivo, Reggio Calabria, San Salvatore Caltagirone, Sciacca, Siracusa, Trapani-Chinisia, Trapani-Milo.

1. "Aquila" aviation division

HQ Palermo

3rd flying division "Centauro"

HQ Catania

  • Coat of arms 11 ° Stormo11th Bomber Squadron ( Comiso ):
    • 33rd bomber group (59th / 60th; Savoia Marchetti SM.79 - Comiso)
    • 34th bomber group (66th / 67th; SM.79 - Comiso)
  • Coat of arms 34 ° Stormo 34th Bomber Squadron (Catania):
    • 52nd Bomber Group (214th/215 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.79 - Catania)
    • 53rd Bomber Group (216/217 .; SM.79 - Catania)

11th Air Brigade "Nibbio"

HQ Castelvetrano

  • Coat of arms 30 ° Stormo30th Bomber Squadron ( Sciacca ):
    • 87th Bomb Group (192/193 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.79 - Sciacca)
    • 90th Bomber Group (194th / 195th; SM.79 - Sciacca)

3rd Air Corps

HQ Rome

  • 147th Air Transport Group (601./602./603 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.75 - Latina )
  • 148th Air Transport Group (605/606 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.73 - Latina)
  • 149th Air Transport Group (607./608./609 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.82 - Latina)
  • Material depots in Rome (Montecelio, Ciampino, Centocelle, Acquasanta) and Naples
  • Flight test sites in Rome-Guidonia and Rome-Furbara
  • Bomb school in Grosseto
  • Dive bomber school in Rome-Guidonia
  • Education school in Cerveteri
  • Fighter pilot schools in Foligno and Castiglione del Lago
  • Airfield commands in Arezzo, Campiglia Marittima, Cancello Armone, Cerveteri, Ciampino Nord, Ciampino Sud, Furbara, Grosseto, Guidonia, Ladispoli, L'Aquila, La Spezia, Lido di Roma, Latina, Livorno, Lucca, Napoli-Capodichino, Napoli-Nisida , Nettuno, Orvieto, Pisa, Pistoia, Pontedera, Sarzana, Siena, Tarquinia, Torvaianica, Vigna di Valle, Viterbo

5th Aviation Division "Eolo"

HQ Viterbo

  • Coat of arms 12 ° Stormo12th Bomber Squadron ( Orvieto )
    • 41st group of bombers (204/205 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.79 - Rome-Ciampino)
    • 42nd Bomber Group (206/207 .; SM.79 - Orvieto)

8th Air Brigade "Astore"

HQ Rome -Ciampino

  • 7th (autonomous) fighter-bomber group (76th / 86th / 98th; 5th Squadron; Breda Ba.88 - Campiglia)
  • Coat of arms 51 ° Stormo 51st Fighter Squadron (Rome-Ciampino):
    • 20th hunting group (351./352./353 .; Fiat G.50 - Rome-Ciampino)
    • Coat of arms 21 ° Gruppo 21st Hunting Group (354./355 .; Fiat G.50 - Rome-Ciampino)
  • Coat of arms 52 ° Stormo 52nd Fighter Squadron (Pisa-Pontedera):
    • Coat of arms 22 ° Gruppo22. Jagdgruppe (357./358./359 .; Fiat G.50 - Pontedera)
    • 24. Jagdgruppe (361./362 .; G.50 - Pontedera)

4th Air Corps

HQ Bari . This Fliegerkorps also carried the designation “4. territorial air force command ”.

  • Central material depot in Bari
  • Airfield commands in Bari, Brindisi, Crotone, Foggia, Grottaglie, Lecce, Monte Corvino, Potenza, San Pancrazio, Taranto, Vibo Valentia
  • Coat of arms 37 ° Stormo37th Bomber Squadron ( Lecce ):

5th Air Corps

HQ Tripoli . This air corps was also known as the "Libya Air Force Command".

    • Coat of arms 2 ° Stormo2nd Fighter Squadron ( Castelbeito ):
      • Coat of arms 8 ° Gruppo8th Jagdgruppe (92./93./94 .; Fiat CR.42 - Tobruk T.2)
      • 13. Jagdgruppe (77th / 78th / 82nd; Fiat CR.42 - Castelbeito)

The 13th Flying Division "Pegaso" and the 14th Flying Brigade "Rex" were subordinate to this sector.

13th Aviation Division "Pegaso"

HQ Benghazi

  • 10th Bomber Squadron ( Benina ):
    • 30th bomber group (55th / 56th; Savoia Marchetti SM.79 - Benina)
    • 32nd bomber group (57th / 58th; SM.79 - Benina)

14th Air Brigade "Rex"

HQ Tobruk T2

Air Force Command Sardinia

HQ Cagliari

  • Air rescue team in Cagliari-Elmas
  • Airfield commands in Alghero, Cagliari-Elmas, Chilivani, Milis, Monserrato, Olbia-Venafiorita, Oristano, S. Giusta, Villacidro
  • 3rd (autonomous) fighter group (153rd / 154th / 155th; 6th squadron; Fiat CR.32 - Monserrato)
  • 19th (autonomous) fighter-bomber group (100th / 101st / 102nd; 5th Squadron; Breda Ba.88 - Alghero)
  • 124th Reconnaissance Squadron ( IMAM Ro.37 - Cagliari-Elmas)

10th Air Brigade "Marte"

HQ Cagliari-Elmas

  • Coat of arms 8 ° Stormo 8th Bomber Squadron (Villacidro):
    • 27th bomber group (18./52 .; Savoia Marchetti SM.79 - Villacidro)
    • 28th bomber group (10./19 .; SM.79 - Villacidro)
  • Coat of arms 31 ° Stormo 31st bomber squadron (Cagliari-Elmas) [Corsica, Tunisia, Oran]
    • 93rd Bomber Group (196th / 197th; Cant Z.506bis - Cagliari-Elmas)
    • 94th Bomber Group (198th/199 .; Cant Z.506bis - Cagliari-Elmas)

Air Force Command Albania

  • 120th Reconnaissance Squadron ( IMAM Ro.37bis - Tirana, Vlore)
  • 160th (autonomous) hunter group (393rd/394 .; Fiat CR.32 - Tirana, Berat)
  • Coat of arms 38 ° Stormo 38th Bomber Squadron (Tirana)
    • 39th bomber group (51st / 69th; Savoia Marchetti SM.81 - Tirana)
    • 40th Bomber Group (202/203 .; SM.81 - Lecce)

Aegean Air Force Command

  • 161st (autonomous) hunting group ( IMAM Ro.44 - Leros)
  • 163rd (autonomous) hunting group (Fiat CR.32 - Maritza)
  • Coat of arms 39 ° Stormo 39th bomber squadron
    • 56th Bomber Group (222/223 .; SM.81 - Gadurra)
    • 92nd bomber group (200./201 .; SM.81 - Maritza)

Air Force Command East Africa

The groups of this command had their own numbering.

North area

HQ Assab

  • 25th Bomber Group (ca.133 - Bahar Dar)
  • 26. Bomber Group (ca.133 - Gondar)
  • 27. Bomber Group (ca.133 - Assab)
  • 28th Bomber Group (SM.81 - Zula)
  • 118th Bomber Squadron (ca.133 - Assab)
  • Reconnaissance squadron "North" (ca.133 - Agordat)
  • 409th Jagdstaffel (CR.42 - Massaua)
  • 412th Hunting Squadron (CR.42 - Massua, Gura)
  • 413rd Fighter Squadron (CR.42 - Assab)
  • 414th Squadron (CR.42 - Gura)

Middle area

HQ Addis Ababa

  • 4th Bomber Group (SM.81 - Scenele)
  • 29th Bomber Group (SM.81 - Assab)
  • 44th Bomber Group (SM.79 - Ghiniele)
  • 49th Bomber Group (ca.133 - Gimma)
  • 65th bomber squadron (ca.133 - Neghelli)
  • 66th Bomber Squadron (ca.133 - Yavello)
  • 41st Reconnaissance Squadron (Approx. 133 - Addis Ababa)
  • Awareness squadron "Middle" (ca.133 - Addis Ababa)
  • 110th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Dire Dawa)
  • 410th Fighter Squadron (CR.32 - Dire Dawa)
  • 411 Squadron (CR.32 - Dire Dawa)

South area

HQ Mogadishu

  • 31. Bomber Group (ca.133 - Neghelli)
  • Reconnaissance Squadron "South" (Approx. 133 - Mogadishu)

Special Use Units

HQ Rome. This special air transport command commanded a large number of the long-haul aircraft of the Italian civil airlines Ala Littoria and LATI, which were requisitioned for military purposes .

  • Group 147 ( SM.75 )
  • Group 148 (SM.73)
  • Group 149 (SM.82)
  • 604th season (SM.75)
  • 608th season (SM.82)
  • 610th season (SM.75)
  • 615th season (SM.83)
  • 616th season ( SM.74 )
  • Air transport unit East Africa (SM.73 / Ca.148c / Ca.133T / Fokker F.VII)
  • Paratrooper training squadron Libya (SM.81)

Army aviators

With the establishment of the Regia Aeronautica in 1923, the Italian army lost its own air force to the new Italian air force. For the purposes of the Army, the Air Force set up its own "Air Force Command for the Army" ( Aviazione Ausiliaria per l'Esercito ). The aircraft flown by pilots of the Regia Aeronautica remained the property of the Air Force, but were assigned to higher army commands for support. Army observers flew in the reconnaissance and liaison aircraft. Only after the Second World War was the army allowed to set up its own air force .

Army General Staff

The following reconnaissance squadrons were directly subordinate to the Army General Staff:

  • 20th observation and liaison squadrons
    • 1st group
      • 27th Reconnaissance Squadron ( IMAM Ro.37bis - Casabianca)
      • 121st Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Airasca)
    • 66th group
      • 42nd Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Bari)
      • 131st Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Naples-Capodichino)

Army Group West

In 1940, the following reconnaissance squadrons were subordinate to Army Group West and its subordinate large units in northwestern Italy. Administratively, they were largely grouped into squadrons 19 and 21.

  • 31st Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Venaria Reale)
  • 33rd Reconnaissance Relay (Ro.37bis - Milan-Bresso)
  • 39th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Venaria Reale)
  • 40th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Venaria Reale)
  • 114th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Turin-Mirafiori)
  • 118th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Levaldigi)
  • 119th Reconnaissance Squadron (Approx. 311 - Bologna)
  • 123rd Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Levaldigi)
  • 129th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis / Ca.311 - Mondovi)
  • 132nd Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Levaldigi)

Army group east

The following reconnaissance squadrons were subordinate to Army Group East and their subordinate large units in northeastern Italy in 1940. Administratively, they were mostly grouped into squadrons 19, 21 and 22.

  • 24th reconnaissance relay (Ro.37 - Verona-Boscomantico)
  • 25th Awareness Relay (Ro.37 - Jesi)
  • 28th awareness relay (Ro.37 - Lucca-Tassignano)
  • 29th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Arezzo)
  • 32nd Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Udine-Campoformido)
  • 34th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Parma)
  • 35th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Verona-Boscomantico)
  • 36th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Padua)
  • 38th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Görz-Merna)
  • 87th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Padua)
  • 113th Reconnaissance Relay (Ro.37bis - Bologna-Borgo Panigale)
  • 115th Reconnaissance Relay (Ro.37 - Verona-Boscomantico)
  • 116th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Görz-Merna)
  • 125th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Udine-Campoformido)
  • 128th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Parma)

Army group south

In 1940, the following reconnaissance squadrons were subordinate to Army Group South in southern Italy and Albania:

  • 30th Reconnaissance Relay (Ro.37 - Palermo-Boccadifalco)
  • 120th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37bis - Tirana)
  • 124th Reconnaissance Squadron (Ro.37 - Cagliari-Elmas)

Naval aviators

With the establishment of the Regia Aeronautica in 1923, the Italian Navy completely lost its own naval aviation force to the new Italian Air Force. For the purposes of the navy, the air force set up its own “ Aviazione Ausiliaria per la Marina” . The planes flown by pilots of the Regia Aeronautica remained the property of the Air Force, but were assigned to the various coastal commands and larger ships for support. Navy observers flew in the directly assigned flying boats and aircraft on board, but also in the torpedo bombers ( Aerosiluranti ) of the Regia Aeronautica . It was not until after the Second World War that the Navy was allowed to set up its own naval aviation force again, although it was not allowed to have its own combat aircraft for aircraft carriers until 1989. In the area of ​​long-range sea reconnaissance aircraft, there is still a special regulation according to which aircraft are owned by the Air Force, flown by mixed crews, but operationally subordinate to the Navy.

Upper Tyrrhenian Sea Coast Section Command

  • 141st Reconnaissance Squadron ( CRDA Cant Z.501 - La Spezia-Cadimare)
  • 187th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - La Spezia-Cadimare)
  • 1st reconnaissance swarm (Cant Z.501 - La Spezia-Cadimare)

Lower Tyrrhenian Sea Coast Section Command

Coastal Section Command Sardinia

  • 146th Reconnaissance Squadron ( CRDA Cant Z.501 - Cagliari-Elmas)
  • 148th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Vigna)
  • 183rd Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Cagliari-Elmas)
  • 188th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Cagliari-Elmas)
  • 199th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z506bis - Santa Giusta)
  • 5th reconnaissance swarm (Cant Z.501 - Olbia)

These units formed the 85th reconnaissance group in Sardinia.

Coastal command of Sicily

  • 144th Reconnaissance Squadron ( CRDA Cant Z.501 - Stagnone)
  • 170th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z506bis - Augusta)
  • 184th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Augusta)
  • 186th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Augusta)
  • 189th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Siracusa)

These units formed the 83rd reconnaissance group in Sicily.

Coastal command of the Ionian Sea and the Lower Adriatic

  • 142nd Reconnaissance Squadron ( CRDA Cant Z.501 - Taranto)
  • 145th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Brindisi)
  • 171st Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z501 - Brindisi)
  • 5th reconnaissance swarm (Cant Z.501 - Taranto)

Coast Section Command Upper Adriatic

  • 4th reconnaissance swarm (Cant Z.501 - Pola)

Other section commands

  • Albania: 288th Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z.506bis - Brindisi)
  • Libya: 143rd Reconnaissance Squadron (Cant Z.501 - Menelao)
  • Aegean: 147th and 185th reconnaissance squadron (84th group; Cant Z.501 - Leros)

Squadrons, groups, squadrons

Below is a general overview of the squadrons ( stormi ), groups ( gruppi ) and squadrons ( squadriglie ). Some associations and units were only set up in the course of the war. There were changes in the subordination. Several groups operated independently at times, which is why various squadrons do not appear in the above list. The following list reflects the classic and most stable subordination relationships. If the higher-level associations are missing in the list for groups or squadrons on the left-hand side, then they have been predominantly or permanently independent ("autonomous"). In the area of ​​independent groups and squadrons and the types of aircraft used, this list is not entirely complete.

squadron groups Seasons Aircraft types Remarks
1º Stormo 6º Gruppo
17º Gruppo
79, 81, 88
71, 72, 80
CR.42 , MC.200 , MC.202 , MC.205
CR.42, MC.200, MC.202, MC.205
2nd Stormo 8º Gruppo
13º Gruppo
92, 93, 94
77, 78, 82
CR.42, MC.200
CR.32, CR.42, MC.200
3º Stormo 18º Gruppo
23º Gruppo
83, 85, 95
70, 74, 75
CR.42, MC.200, MC.202, MC.205
CR.42, MC.200, MC.202, MC.205
4º Stormo 9º Gruppo
10º Gruppo
73, 96, 97
94, 90, 91
CR.42, MC.200, MC.202, MC.205
CR.42, MC.200, MC.202, MC.205
5º Stormo 7º Gruppo
19º Gruppo
76, 86, 98
100, 101, 102
Ba.88 , CR.42
Close air support
6º Stormo 2º Gruppo
3º Gruppo
150, 151, 152
153, 154, 155
Re. 2001
CR.32, CR.42, Bf 109G
7º Stormo 4º Gruppo
25º Gruppo
14, 15
8, 9
(Torpedo) bombers
8º Stormo 27º Gruppo
28º Gruppo
18, 52
10, 19
9º Stormo 26º Gruppo
29º Gruppo
11, 13
62, 63
10º Stormo 30º Gruppo
32º Gruppo
55, 56
57, 58
11º Stormo 33º Gruppo
34º Gruppo
59, 60
67, 68
12º Stormo 41º Gruppo
42º Gruppo
204, 205
206, 207
13º Stormo 11º Gruppo
43º Gruppo
1, 4
3, 5
14º Stormo 44º Gruppo
45º Gruppo
6, 7
2, 22
15º Stormo 46º Gruppo
47º Gruppo
20, 21
53, 54
CR.42, SM.79, SM.81
CR.42, SM.79, SM.81
Close air support, bombers
16º Stormo 50º Gruppo
51º Gruppo
210, 211
212, 213
Cant Z.1007bis
Cant Z.1007bis
18º Stormo 56º Gruppo
57º Gruppo
222, 223
224, 225
Air transport
19º Stormo 5º Gruppo
69º Gruppo
72º Gruppo
31, 39, 40
118, 123
119, 129
R0.37 , ca.311 Observation (army)
20º Stormo 1º Gruppo
66º Gruppo
27, 121
42, 131
Ro.37 Observation (army)
21º Stormo 65º Gruppo
67º Gruppo
68º Gruppo
36, 87
25, 115
24, 35
Ro.37, ca.311 Observation (army)
22º Stormo 15º Gruppo
63º Gruppo
71º Gruppo
32, 125
41, 113
38, 116
Ro.37, ca.311 Observation (army)
30º Stormo 87º Gruppo
90º Gruppo
192, 193
194, 195
31º Stormo 93º Gruppo
94º Gruppo
196, 197
198, 199
Maritime bombers
32º Stormo 38º Gruppo
89º Gruppo
49, 50
228, 229
Bombers, torpedo bombers
33º Stormo 35º Gruppo
36º Gruppo
43, 44
45, 46
34º Stormo 52º Gruppo
53º Gruppo
214, 215
216, 217
35º Stormo 86º Gruppo
95º Gruppo
190, 191
230, 231
Maritime bombers
36º Stormo 108º Gruppo
109º Gruppo
256, 257
258, 259
Torpedo bombers
37º Stormo 54º Gruppo
55º Gruppo
218, 219
220, 221
38º Stormo 39º Gruppo
40º Gruppo
51, 69
202, 203
39º Stormo 56º Gruppo
92º Gruppo
222, 223
200, 201
41º Stormo 59º Gruppo
60º Gruppo
232, 233
234, 235
SM.79, CR.42
SM.79, CR.42
Bomber, night fighter
43º Stormo 98º Gruppo
99º Gruppo
240, 241
242, 243
44º Stormo 146º Gruppo
149º Gruppo
603, 609,
607, 608

Air transport
45º Stormo 37º Gruppo
147º Gruppo
47, 48
601, 602

Air transport
46º Stormo 104º Gruppo
105º Gruppo
252, 253
254, 255
Torpedo bombers
47º Stormo 106º Gruppo
107º Gruppo
260, 261
262, 263
48º Stormo 144º Gruppo
148º Gruppo
617, 618
605, 606

Air transport
50º Stormo 12º Gruppo
16º Gruppo
159, 160, 165
168, 169, 667
CR.42, Ba.65
CR.42, Ca.310bis
Close air support
51º Stormo 20º Gruppo
21º Gruppo
351, 352, 353
354, 355, 356
G.50 , MC.202, MC.205
G.50, MC.202, MC.205
52º Stormo 22º Gruppo
24º Gruppo
357, 358, 359
360, 361, 362
G.50, Re. 2005
CR.42, G.50
53º Stormo 150º Gruppo
151º Gruppo
363, 364, 365
366, 367, 368
CR.42, MC.200
CR.42, G.50
54º Stormo 152º Gruppo
153º Gruppo
369, 370, 371
372, 373, 374
CR.42, MC.200, MC.202
56º Stormo 18º Gruppo
20º Gruppo
83, 85, 95
351, 352, 353
Hunter (short term)
61º Gruppo 33, 34, 128 Observation (army)
62º Gruppo 28, 29 Observation (army)
64º Gruppo 122, 136 Observation (army)
73º Gruppo 127, 137 Observation (army)
76º Gruppo 30, 132 Observation (army)
79º Gruppo 141, 187 Maritime reconnaissance (navy)
82º Gruppo 142, 145 Maritime reconnaissance (navy)
83º Gruppo 184, 186, 189 CANT Z.501, CANT Z.506 Maritime reconnaissance (navy)
84º Gruppo 147, 185 CANT Z.501, CANT Z.506 Maritime reconnaissance (navy)
85º Gruppo 146, 183, 188 CANT Z.501, CANT Z.506 Maritime reconnaissance (navy)
88º Gruppo 264, 265 CANT Z.1007 bomber
91º Gruppo 170, 171 Maritime reconnaissance (navy)
96º Gruppo 236, 237 SM.85 , Ju 87 Dive bomber until 1941
97º Gruppo 238, 239 Ju 87 Dive bomber until 1941
101º Gruppo 208, 209 CR.42, G.50, Ju 87, Re. 2002 , MC.202 Dive bomber until 1941
102º Gruppo 209, 239 Ju 87, Re. 2002, MC.202 Dive bombers from 1942
103º Gruppo 207, 237 Ju 87, Ba.88 Dive bombers from 1942
116º Gruppo BR.20, SM.81 bomber
121º Gruppo 206, 216 Ju 87 Dive bombers from 1943
130º Gruppo 280, 283 SM.79 Torpedo bombers
131º Gruppo 279, 284 SM.79 Torpedo bombers
132º Gruppo 278, 281 SM.79 Torpedo bomber ( Buscaglia )
133º Gruppo 174, 175 SM.79 Torpedo bombers
145º Gruppo 604, 610 SM.75 Air transport
147º Gruppo 601, 602, 603 SM.75 Air transport
148º Gruppo 605, 606 SM.73 Air transport
149º Gruppo 607, 608, 609 SM.82 Air transport
154º Gruppo 351, 360, 378 CR.42, G.50 (Night) hunters
155º Gruppo 361, 395, 396 MC.202, MC.205 Hunter
156º Gruppo 379, 380 CR.42 Hunter
157º Gruppo 384, 385, 386 CR.42, MC.200 Hunter
158º Gruppo 236, 387, 388 CR.42, G.50 Fighter bomber
159º Gruppo 389, 390, 391 CR.42, G.50 Fighter bomber
160º Gruppo 393, 394, 395 CR.42, G.50 Hunter
161º Gruppo 162, 163, 164 CR.42, G.50, MC.200 (Night) hunters
167º Gruppo 300, 303 CR.42, G.50, MC.200 and. a. (Night) hunters
171º Gruppo 301, 302 CR.42 Night fighter

In this list, some squadrons are missing in the numerical progression. A 17th squadron did not exist as an anti-aircraft association until 1964, when the 17th anti-aircraft group was enlarged (formerly 17º Gruppo, 1º Stormo ). Squadrons 23 to 29, as well as squadrons 40, 42, 49 and 55 were never formed. The counting of the squadrons ended in 1943 with the short-lived 56th squadron.

The (training) squadrons 60, 61, 70 and 72 were not set up by Aeronautica Militare until the 1980s . Therefore they are also not part of this list.

List of flying aces

Flying aces are fighter pilots who have shot down five or more enemy planes. Below is a partial list of World War II Italian aces:

  • Franco Lucchini 26
  • Adriano Visconti 26
  • Teresio Martinoli 23
  • Leonardo Ferrulli 22
  • Franco Bordoni-Bisleri 19th
  • Luigi Gorrini 19
  • Furio Lauri 18th
  • Mario Bonzano 17
  • Mario Visintini 17
  • Ugo Drago 16
  • Duilio Sergio Fanali 15
  • Adriano Mantelli 15
  • Luigi Giannella 14
  • Brunetto di Montegnacco 14
  • Mario Bellagambi 13
  • Germano La Ferla 13
  • Vittorio Minguzzi 13
  • Guido Presel 13
  • Luigi Baron 12
  • Giovanni Dell'Innocenti 12
  • Attilio Sanson 12
  • Claudio Solaro 12
  • Gianlino Baschirotto 11
  • Carlo Magnaghi 11
  • Vasco Magrini 11
  • Willy Malagola 11
  • Angelo Mastroagostino 11
  • Carlo Romagnoli 11
  • Carlo Maurizio Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa 11
  • Pietro Serini 11
  • Giorgio Solaroli di Briona 11
  • Ennio Tarantola 11
  • Mario Veronesi 11
  • Amedeo Benati 10
  • Fernando Malvezzi 10
  • Guido Nobili 10
  • Giulio Reiner 10
  • Giuseppe Roberto 10
  • Massimo Salvatore 10
  • Giulio Torresi 10
  • Emanuele Annoni 9
  • Giovanni Barcaro 9
  • Giuseppe Cenni 9
  • Guido Fibbia 9
  • Walter Omiccioli 9
  • Ferruccio Serafini 9
  • Natalino Stabile 9
  • Andrea Zotti 9
  • Giuseppe Biron 8
  • Giovanni Bonet 8
  • Ernesto Botto 8
  • Antonio Camaioni 8
  • Antonio Longhin 8
  • Orfeo Mazzitelli 8
  • Aroldo Soffritti 8
  • Raffaele Valenzano 8
  • Tito Valtancoli 8
  • Ranieri Piccolomini Clementini Adami 7
  • Bruno Biagini 7
  • Carlo Canella 7
  • Antonio Canfora 7
  • Vittorino Daffara 7
  • Fausto Filippi 7
  • Luigi Filippi 7
  • Dino Forlani 7
  • Ettore Foschini 7
  • Roberto Gaucci 7
  • Filippo Guarnaccia 7
  • Orlando Mandolini 7
  • Carlo Miani 7
  • Clizio Nioi 7
  • Giuseppe Oblach 7
  • Antonio Larsimont Pergameni 7
  • Vincenzo Sant'Andrea 7
  • Angelo Savini 7
  • Enzo Lombardo Schiappacasse 7
  • Virgilio Vanzan 7
  • Osvaldo Bartolacchini 6
  • Osvaldo Bartolozzi 6
  • Livio Bassi 6
  • Pietro Bonfatti 6
  • Aldo Buvoli 6
  • Agostino Calentano 6
  • Cesare Di Bert 6
  • Armando François 6
  • Amedeo Guidi 6
  • Domenico Laiolo 6
  • Felice Longhi 6
  • Giuseppe Manconcini 6
  • Mario Mecatti 6
  • Amleto Monterumici 6
  • Giuseppe Mottet 6
  • Furio Niclot Doglio 6
  • Luciano Perdoni 6
  • Alvaro Querci 6
  • Diego Rodoz 6
  • Giuseppe Ruzzin 6
  • Pier Giuseppe Scarpetta 6
  • Ricardo Emo Seidl 6
  • Alberto Spigaglia 6
  • Giorgio Tugnoli 6
  • Alberto Veronese 6
  • Paolo Arcangeletti 5
  • Giuseppe Aurili 5
  • Loris Baldi 5
  • Luigi Bandini 5
  • Giuseppe Baylon 5
  • Duilio Bernardi 5
  • Lucio Biagini 5
  • Manfredo Bianchi 5
  • Pietro Bianchi 5
  • Alessandro Bladelli 5
  • Egidio Buogo 5
  • Gilberto Caselli 5
  • Evasio Cavalli 5
  • Guglielmo Chiarini 5
  • Tullio Covre 5
  • Carlo Cucchi 5
  • Francesco Cuscuana 5
  • Rinaldo Damiani 5
  • Enrico Degli Incerti 5
  • Domenico Facchini 5
  • Giuseppe Farazzani 5
  • Giuliano Fissore 5
  • Fausto Fornaci 5
  • Iacopo Frigerio 5
  • Antonio Giardina 5
  • Boar Giudice 5
  • Giorgio Graffer 5
  • Mario Guerci 5
  • Luigi Iellici 5
  • Eugenio Leotta 5
  • Luigi Mariotti 5
  • Sergio Maurer 5
  • Mario Melis 5
  • Elio Miotto 5
  • Fiorenzo Milella 5
  • Gianfranco Montagnani 5
  • Luigi Monti 5
  • Enrico Moretto 5
  • Luigi Morosi 5
  • Raffaello Novelli 5
  • Dante Ocarso 5
  • Enzo Omiccioli 5
  • Antonio Palazzeschi 5
  • Francesco Pecchiari 5
  • Constantino Petrosellini 5
  • Mario Pinna 5
  • Mario Pluda 5
  • Giorgio Pocek 5
  • Aldo Remondino 5
  • Corrado Ricci 5
  • Riccardo Roveda 5
  • Giovanni Sajeva 5
  • Carlo Seganti 5
  • Olindo Simionato 5
  • Vittorio Squarcia 5
  • Annibale Sterzi 5
  • Renato Talamini 5
  • Arrigo Tessari 5
  • Luigi Torchio 5
  • Celso Zemella 5
  • Nicola Zotti 5


  • Giovanni Massimello, Giorgio Apostolo: Italian Aces of World War Two. Osprey Publishing, Oxford 2000.
  • Antonio Pelliccia: La Regia Aeronautica dalle origini alla seconda guerra mondiale (1923–1943). Ufficio Storico dell'Aeronautica Militare, Rome 1992.
  • Gianni Rocca : I disperati - la tragedia dell'aeronautica italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale. Mondadori, Milan 1991, ISBN 8804338261 .

Web links

Commons : Italian squadron coats of arms  - album with pictures, videos and audio files
Commons : All the coats of arms of the Italian Air Force  - collection of images, videos and audio files

See also