Fernando Vérgez Alzaga

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Fernando Vérgez Alzaga LC (born March 1, 1945 in Salamanca , Spain ) is a Curia Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church .

Fernando Vérgez Alzaga and Pope Francis
Episcopal coat of arms


Fernando Vérgez Alzaga joined the Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ and made perpetual profession on December 25, 1965 . On November 26, 1969, he received the sacrament of ordination . On August 1, 1972, he began his service in the Holy See in the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life , and from 1984 onwards at the Pontifical Council for the Laity . From 1975 he was the private secretary of Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio for 23 years . In June 2004 he was appointed Chief Executive of the Holy See Internet Office in the Administration of the Goods of the Apostolic See (APSA) and in February 2008 he was appointed Director of the Telecommunications Office of the Vatican City Governorate .

On August 30, 2013, Pope Francis appointed him Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City and thus Deputy Prime Minister of the Vatican State.

On October 15, 2013, Pope Francis appointed him titular bishop of Villamagna in Proconsulari . The Pope personally donated his episcopal ordination on November 15 of the same year in St. Peter's Basilica . Co- consecrators were the President of the Governorate of Vatican City, Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello , and the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity , Bishop Brian Farrell LC.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Telecommunications Directorate of the Vatican City Governorate" on www.vaticanstate.va, viewed on October 17, 2013 (German)
  2. "General Secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City" on www.vaticanstate.va, viewed on October 17, 2013 (German)
  3. ^ Daily Bulletin , Pontifical Press Room, November 15, 2013
predecessor Office successor
Giuseppe Sciacca Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City
since 2013