Filial church St. Sebastian (Launsdorf)

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Southeast view of the church

The Roman Catholic branch church St. Sebastian is in the parish of St. Georgen am Längsee . It was first mentioned in a document in 1261 and belongs to the parish of Launsdorf .

Building description

Interior of the church
The gallery

The building is a late Gothic hall from the second half of the 15th century. Choir and nave are the same width. They stand under a shared shingle roof and are supported by three-tiered buttresses . The late Gothic west tower has original fan plaster and painted tracery friezes . The tower with ogival sound windows is crowned by a pointed gable helmet. Mathias Landsmann rang a bell in 1680. At the northern transition from the nave to the choir there is a two-storey, late Gothic sacristy , to the east of which there is a baroque chapel extension. The vestibule on the tower ground floor, which is open to the north and south, has a ribbed vault . On the west wall there is a stone sacrificial stock with a chiseled imitation of a castle, above it a figural canopy in the style of branch gothic. You enter the church from the west through a late Gothic, profiled portal.

In the three-bay nave there was probably originally a ribbed vault. Now a barrel vault with stitch caps rests on gothic profiled wall templates. The three-axis, late Gothic west gallery is vaulted under cross ribs and provided with coats of arms on the keystones . The gallery parapet is divided into 13 fields by pre-blinded bars . A profiled triumphal arch connects the nave and the choir with a five-eighth end and a ribbed vault. The choir and nave have two-lane tracery windows. The crypt of Michael von Pughelsheim († 1688) is housed in the baroque, cross-vaulted chapel north of the choir. A late Gothic keel arch portal leads into the sacristy in front of the triumphal arch on the north side of the nave.


The high altar from 1716 is a baroque common altar with a rich architectural structure. He fills the choir in full. The altar was of JG Pürkher taken , the carved figures are Johann Pacher attributed. On the main floor are the statues of Saints Sebastian , George , Rochus and Florian as well as a holy Pope. The carved group in the tower, the Marie crowning . The produced 1720-than-life Madonnenstatue to the chorus south wall, which pain man and Painful Lady of the Arch wall also from the Pacher workshop. The baroque crucifix was made around 1720.

The left wall altar, built around 1680, consists of an aedicule on a pedestal with side console figures under canopy arches and a split segment gable with a monstrance as a top. The altar panel shows Christ on the Mount of Olives, the top picture the Archangel Michael . One figure on the main floor represents St. John Nepomuk , one in the essay represents St. Rochus. The other two statues of saints are without artifacts .

The altar in the side chapel depicts a Sacra Conversazione

The altar in the side chapel, built around 1680, consists of an aedicula on a base with side console figures under canopy arches and a detached segment gable as an attachment. The altarpiece shows a Sacra Conversazione . A baroque and a late Gothic statue of Sebastian from the end of the 15th century are attached to the west gallery. The late Gothic stone pulpit , built around 1520, was provided with a sound cover in the last quarter of the 17th century . In the church there is the tombstone of Pangraz Halemacher († 1529) and a coat of arms tombstone from 1662. The church also features a votive image from 1717 and a baptismal font from the first quarter of the 16th century.


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 821.

Web links

Commons : Filialkirche St. Sebastian (Launsdorf)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 44 ′ 42.7 ″  N , 14 ° 27 ′ 2.5 ″  E