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FindFace is a website that uses facial recognition algorithms to assign images uploaded to the profile images of users and thus identify the people.

FindFace is a product of NTech Lab Ltd, and was created by Alexander Kabakov and Artem Kukharenko. In the University of Washington's MegaFace competition, FindFace's algorithm was able to correctly match 73% of a million faces. According to the security company Kaspersky , the software recognizes nine out of ten people in good quality photos.

FindFace gained notoriety in 2016 for users using the service in a systematic way to reveal and publish the identities of porn actresses and suspected prostitutes . Women who offered sexual services on the Russian website were also affected. A year later, participants in a demonstration by Russian oppositionist Alexej Navalny were identified and denounced using the app .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Washington Post : Russia's new FindFace app identifies strangers in a crowd with 70 percent accuracy .
  2. Hype about the FindFace app . The mirror .
  3. ^ Ars Technica : Facial recognition service becomes a weapon against Russian porn actresses .
  4. How Russia Identifies Protesters . , Süddeutsche Zeitung .