Five Have a Mystery to Solve

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Original title Five Have a Mystery to Solve
Country of production England
original language English
Publishing year 1964
length Single episode: 16 minutes
Total running time: 96 minutes
Director Ernest Morris
script Michael Barnes ,
Enid Blyton (book)
production John DURST ,
Wilfred Partington
music Edward Williams ,
Marcus Dods

Five Have a Mystery to Solve (translated: Five friends have a mystery to solve ) is a six-part English television production from 1964.

The book Enid Blyton's Five Friends Make a Discovery served as a template for the film adaptation .


The five friends: Georgina, called George, Julian, Anne, Dick and George's dog Tim are on vacation in a house near the sea. There they get to know the orphan boy Wilfrid, who can attract animals with his pipe. When the children find out about a treasure that is said to be on the nearby "Whispering Island", Wilfrid, taking Tim with him, drives to the island in a rowboat. There are also said to be many wild animals on the island. A little later, the remaining children Wilfrid and Tim follow to the island and start a new adventure. The owner of the island of his gamekeeper robbed. The gamekeeper catches the many animals that live on the island. He wants to sell them for his own benefit. The children convince Sir Hugo, the owner of the island who lives on the island, of the criminal acts of the gamekeeper. But the adventure doesn't end there. While browsing the old castle on the island , the five friends discover the treasure of the crusaders . But their surprise is great, because the gamekeeper has his fingers in the game here too. The gamekeeper has started to take the treasure away by boat and thus steal it. Sir Henry and the children fall into the hands of the gamekeeper who locks them in the dungeon. But Wilfrid uses his flute and lures a badger with it , who shows them a way to freedom. The police are alerted immediately and the ranger arrested soon after. The adventure is over. Last but not least, Sir Hugo decides to adopt Wilfrid. Wilfrid will now be living on the island with his new father and the animals he loves.


The mini-series, shot in black and white, was the second film adaptation of an adventure by Enid Blyton's Five Friends . It was made by John Durst Productions . As with The Treasure Island Case , the Children's Film Foundation , whose archive is now owned by the British Film Institute , took over the distribution. In addition, still served J. Arthur Rank film as a rental company.

The film was first shown in England in 1964 . Apparently there is no German version. The DVD with the mini-series was released in 2010.


  1. Whispering Island (translated: The Whispering Island)
  2. The Hunt in the Woods (translated: The rustling in the trees)
  3. The Castaways (translated: The castaways)
  4. The Secret Door (translated: The Secret Door)
  5. The Crusader's Treasure (translated: The Crusader's Treasure )
  6. High Tide (translated: flood)

References and comments

  1. A total playing time of 127 minutes is sometimes stated on the Internet.
  2. also known by the name: Amanda Coxel
  3. Companies involved in Five Have a Mystery to Solve (1964)
  4. See: BFI - Children's Film Foundation
  5. Start dates for Five Have a Mystery to Solve (1965)

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