Fixed point theorem of Kakutani

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The fixed point theorem of Kakutani is a mathematical theorem that can be assigned to the field of functional analysis and goes back to a work by the Japanese mathematician Shizuo Kakutani from 1938. The theorem is based on properties of convex sets in Hausdorff locally convex vector spaces and gives a sufficient condition for the existence of common fixed points for certain groups of homeomorphisms of such sets. It gave rise to numerous follow-up investigations and is closely linked to other important theorems of functional analysis, such as the fixed point theorem by Ryll-Nardzewski . The fixed point theorem of Kakutani implies the existence of Haarsch measures on compact groups. Hausdorff's maximal chain theorem or Zorn's lemma (and thus the axiom of choice ) is required for its proof .

Formulation of the sentence

Kakutani's fixed point theorem can be represented as follows:

Let a Hausdorff locally convex space be given and in it a non-empty , compact and convex subset together with a group of linear automorphisms which leave invariant, i.e. in which all automorphisms satisfy the subset relation.
Let the group be uniformly steady .
has a common fixed point, ie: there is one with for everyone .

Related result: Markov's Theorem

The Russian mathematician Markov has presented a set in the year 1936 and prior to the publication of kakutanischen fixed-point theorem, which is very similar to this in question and statement, the Markov set essentially differs in that it the requirement of even-gleichgradigen continuity through a Vertauschbarkeitsbedingung replaced :

Let a Hausdorff locally convex space and a non-empty compact convex subset be given .
A family of continuous affine mappings is also given , which should be interchangeable in pairs with regard to the sequential execution .
has a common fixed point, ie: there is one with for everyone .


The statement of the theorem of Markov is particularly the case that - other things being equal - than Abelian group of continuous linear automorphisms with is assumed . This modified set is also called the fixed point theorem of Kakutani Markov ( English Kakutani Markov fixed point theorem )


  • The uniformly-Equicontinuity ( English Equicontinuity ) of the above image group is to by the - environment system of given uniform structure to reflect. In this context one calls - in full generality - a family of linear mappings between two topological vector spaces and uniformly uniformly continuous if and only if the following applies:
For every environment there is an environment that satisfies the condition .
  • A mapping of the convex set is called affine if the equation is always fulfilled for every two points and every real number .


Individual references and notes

  1. ^ Walter Rudin: Functional Analysis. 1991, pp. 120 ff, 377, 393
  2. ^ Vasile I. Istrățescu: Fixed Point Theory. 1987, p. 276 ff
  3. ^ Robert J. Zimmer: Essential Results of Functional Analysis. 1990, p. 38 ff
  4. Rudin, op.cit., P. 120
  5. Istrățescu, op.cit., P. 277
  6. Zimmer, op.cit., P. 39
  7. Rudin, op.cit., P. 43
  8. Istrățescu, op.cit., P. 276