Flaminio Cornaro

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Flaminio Cornaro ( Venetian Corner , with final emphasis, therefore often written Cornèr ) (born February 4, 1693 in Venice , † December 26, 1778 ibid), was a Venetian historian and member of the Grand Council of the Republic of Venice. Cornaro is the author of the 18 volume History of the Churches in Venice and Torcello , published in 1749.

Flaminio Cornaro was born on February 4, 1693 in Venice, 1692 after the Republic of Venice then valid calendar, and four days later in San Canzian of Antonio Ottoboni (1646-1720), a nephew of Pope Alexander VIII. Baptized in the name Flaminio to remember his maternal ancestors. There was no martyr for this name , which is why he could not be enthusiastic about it. His mother Caterina Bonvicini was the sister of Fabio Bonvicini (1660-1715), the famous commander of the Venetian fleet from Morea in the Venetian-Austrian Turkish War against the Ottoman fleet , his father Giambattista Cornaro was a senator.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arne R. Flaten: Medals and plaquettes in the Ulrich Middledorf Collection at the Indiana University Art Museum . Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2012, ISBN 978-0-253-00116-0 p. 126.
  2. Flaminio Corner: Opuscula quatuor quibus illustrantur gesta b. Francisci Quirini patriarchae Gradensis, Joannis de Benedictis episcopi Tarvisini, Francisci Foscari ducis Venetiarum, Andreae Donati equitis. Accedit opusculum quintum De cultu s. Simonis pueri Tridentini martyris apud Venetos . apud Marcum Carnioni, Venice 1758, p. 23
  3. ^ A b Paolo Preto:  Flaminio Cornaro. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI).
  4. D. Anselmo Costadoni: Memorie della vita di Flaminio Cornaro . Stamperia Remondini, Bassano 1780, p. IV.