Flor Garduño

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Flor Garduño (born March 21, 1957 in Mexico City ) is a Mexican photo artist .


She studied fine arts at the Antigua Academia de San Carlos . After three years she broke off her studies in favor of an assistant position to the highly respected old master of Mexican photography , Manuel Álvarez Bravo . Here she was able to further develop and refine her acquired skills. With her subsequent work at the Ministry of Education of Mexico, for which she provided photographs for class books, she got to know her country and the life of the people, which gave her many ideas for her later work and shaped her photographic style. In 1982 she had her first exhibition in Mexico City.

Encouraged by the enthusiasm and support of the painter Francisco Toledo , she published her first book in 1985. Further publications and many exhibitions made them known beyond their national borders in a short time. In 1992 the Swiss magazine du dedicated the entire January issue to her. With the following book Witness of Time she had resounding success. It has been translated into five languages. This was followed by an extensive international exhibition tour through over forty countries in America and Europe. In 1995 she received a three-year scholarship to realize her new Mesteños project . In this series of pictures, Flor Garduño shows animals and people in their natural environment. A year later she was commissioned to make recordings of the city for the Kunsthaus Zürich . In 2000 a biographical documentary was made about her.

Flor Garduño's work has been shown in exhibitions, galleries and museums around the world since the late 1980s. The artist has received many prizes, grants and awards for her artistic work. Flor Garduño lives and works with her family in Stabio , Ticino / Switzerland and in Tepoztlán , Mexico .


In Garduño's work, still lifes , portraits and nudes are in the foreground of her work. Without exception, your pictures are in black and white .

The use of light and shadow without the use of artificial light and the balance of the composition determine Garduño's work. It allows a look into an untouched level full of archetypal symbols. Her pictures reflect an art form that can be found in the ritual and in the essence of space and time. She knows how to grasp the culture of her country and at the same time to explore her own inner world photographically and to merge both in her work.


  • Magia del juego eterna , Mexico City, 1985
  • Bastiarium , Zurich, 1987
  • Witness of Time , Heidelberg, 1992
  • Mesteños , Pfäffikon, 1994
  • Inner Light / Flor , Heidelberg, 2003

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1982 Galeria José Clemente Orozco, Mexico City
  • 1984 Casa da la Cultura, Juchitan, Oaxaca
  • 1985 La Chambre Claire, Paris
  • 1987 Casa de America Latina, Monte Carlo
  • 1988 Galeria de Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City
  • 1992–1993 extensive exhibition tour with Witness of Time
  • 1995 Vision Gallery, San Francisco
  • 1996–1997 major exhibition tour through many countries in America and Europe
  • 1999 Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, Montevideo
  • 2000 TV film, Rome; Centro Comunale d'Arte e Cultura, Cagliari
  • 2001 Throckmorton Gallery, New York
  • 2002 Cultural Center Art Gallery, Washington
  • 2003 Galleria Sozzani, Milan; Photonet Gallery, Wiesbaden
  • 2004 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de Chile
  • 2005 Museo Nacional de Arte, La Paz; Casa de la Fotografia, Budapest; Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw.

Prizes and awards

  • 1990 Fondo Nacional Para la Cultura y las Artes Creador Intelectual (FONCA)
  • 1992 Kodak Prize, Germany
  • 1993 Queen Isabel Prize (England)
  • 1994-1999 Sistema Nacional de Creadors de Arte
  • 2000 Programa de Fomento a proyectos y coinveciones culturale
  • 2003 Winner of the best Book of Photography

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Flor Garduño-Inner Light , Heidelberg, 2002