Continuation of Carathéodory

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In mathematics , Carathéodory's theorem deals with the continuation of angle-preserving images on the edge of their domain of definition.

Conformal illustrations, Riemann illustration theorem

A conformal mapping is by definition a figure that angle gets. A mapping between two subsets of the complex plane is conformable if and only if it is holomorphic or anti-holomorphic and the derivative does not vanish anywhere.

The Riemann mapping theorem states that for every simply connected , open , real subset there is a conforming homeomorphism

on the unit disk . It was formulated by Riemann in 1851, but only proved by Carathéodory in 1912 . The Riemann mapping theorem is used, among other things, for the geometry of surfaces.

The edge of the three areas (yellow, green or purple) is not a Jordan curve, see Lakes of the Wada .

The Riemann mapping theorem is remarkable, among other things, because simply connected, open subsets of the plane can be very complicated, for example its boundary can be a nowhere differentiable , fractal curve of infinite length or even no continuously parameterizable curve at all.

In general, it is not true that the Riemann map becomes a continuous map

of the edge can continue on the unit circle . Carathéodory's theorem says, however, that such a continuation exists when the edge is a Jordan curve , i.e. the image of a continuous , injective mapping . This includes non-differentiable, fractal curves, for example the Koch curve .

Theorem of Carathéodory

A simply connected, open subset of the plane bounded by a Jordan curve.

Theorem : Let it be a simply connected, open subset of the complex plane whose edge is a Jordan curve . Then any conforming mapping

steadily towards a homeomorphism of degree

continue on the completed circular disc . In particular is a homeomorphism


Conclusion : Every conformal mapping between two simply connected, open subsets of the plane bounded by Jordan curves can be extended to a homeomorphism .


The following statements are equivalent for a bounded , simply connected area :

  • Every conformal mapping can be extended to a homeomorphism .
  • The edge of is a Jordan curve.
  • Each edge point is simple , i.e. H. for each sequence there is a curve with whose picture contains all .

From the equivalence follows: the edge of a restricted, convex area is a Jordan curve.

Higher-dimensional generalizations

The continuous continuation of mappings on the edge of an open set is a widely ramified research topic in mathematics, see for example the Korevaar-Schoen theorem or the Cannon-Thurston theory .


  • Carathéodory, C .: About the mutual relationship of the edges in the conformal mapping of the interior of a Jordanian curve onto a circle. Math. Ann. 73 (1913), no. 2, 305-320.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Novinger, WP: An elementary approach to the problem of extending conformal maps to the boundary. Amer. Math. Monthly, 82: 279-282 (1975).