Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

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The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation ( FOCAC , dt .: Forum for China-Africa Cooperation , fr .: Forum sur la coopération sino-africaine ) is an official forum established in 2000 between the People's Republic of China and all African states with the exception of Swaziland , which currently has no diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China (maintains diplomatic relations with Taiwan ).


The first ministerial conference was held in Beijing from October 10-12, 2000 . President Jiang Zemin , Prime Minister Zhu Rongji from the State Council and Vice President Hu Jintao from the People's Republic of China attended the conference. In addition, more than 80 ministers from China and 44 African countries as well as representatives from 17 international and regional organizations took part in this meeting. Participants from Africa were z. B. Gnassingbé Eyadéma from Togo , Abdelaziz Bouteflika from Algeria , Frederick Chiluba from Zambia , Benjamin William Mkapa from Tanzania , the Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity , Salim Ahmed Salim and others. At the conference, the Beijing Declaration of the Forum for Sino-African Cooperation and the Program for Sino-African Cooperation in Economic and Social Development were adopted.


The second ministerial conference took place from December 15-16, 2003 in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia . Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao , Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi , six other African Presidents, three Vice-Presidents, two other Prime Ministers and a President of the Senate and President Alpha Oumar Konaré of the African Union Commission and the representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations attended the Opening ceremony and gave speeches. In addition, more than 70 ministers from China and 44 African countries attended the conference. The conference adopted the Addis Ababa Action Plan (2004–2006).


The first FOCAC summit and the third ministerial conference took place in Beijing from November 3rd to 5th, 2006. Hu Jintao and heads of state or government from 35 African countries attended this summit. President Hu promised $ 5 billion in loans to Africa during the summit. As one of the Eight Measures for Future Sino-African Relations, President Hu announced the creation of a China-Africa Development Fund to encourage Chinese investment in Africa with initial funding of US $ 1 billion. The fund is expected to grow to $ 5 billion in the future.


The fourth FOCAC ministerial conference took place from November 8th to 9th, 2009 in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh . The meeting discussed how the Beijing Summit consensus was being implemented. The Sharm el-Sheikh Declaration and an Action Plan for 2010–2012 were adopted. This is intended to outline the way for further deepened cooperation between China and Africa. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and African heads of state and government from 49 countries attended the opening ceremony, as did the Chairman of the African Union Commission.

A subsidized loan of US $ 10 billion was announced on November 9, 2009, double that of the 2006 Beijing Summit. A special loan of US $ 1 billion was also to be set up for small and medium-sized African businesses . China also announced eight new policies to strengthen ties with Africa, focusing more on improving people's living conditions .

Wen Jiabao also announced several special projects:

  • China wants to write off the debts of some of the poorest African countries,
  • 100 new clean energy projects are to be built on the continent ( solar energy , biogas and small hydropower )
  • the tariffs for 95 percent of the products of African countries with which China has diplomatic relations are to be gradually reduced,
  • China wants to create 100 joint scientific and technological research demonstration projects, support 100 African postdocs for scientific research in China and help them go back to their home countries and help build
  • the number of agricultural technology demonstration centers set up by China in Africa is to be increased to 20 and 50 agricultural technology teams are to be sent to Africa and 2,000 agricultural technicians are to be trained,
  • China is to provide 500 million yuan worth of medical equipment and antimalarial supplies to the 30 hospitals and 30 malaria prevention and treatment centers built by China and to train 3,000 doctors and nurses for Africa.
  • China is also to build 50 Sino-African friendship schools and train 1,500 school principals and teachers for African countries and increase the number of Chinese government scholarships for Africa to 5,500 by 2012.
  • In addition, China is to train a total of 20,000 specialists from various fields over the next three years.


The fifth FOCAC ministerial conference from July 19-20, 2012 took place again in Beijing (China). China pledged a total of US $ 30 billion in development aid for the 2012 to 2015 phase .


The second FOCAC summit and the sixth ministerial conference took place December 4-5, 2015 in Johannesburg , South Africa . One of the outcomes of the Johannesburg Forum was the Satellite TV Access Program for 10,000 African Villages . For the 2015 to 2018 phase, China pledged a total of US $ 60 billion in development aid.


The first China-Africa Forum on Defense and Security was held in Beijing from June 26 to July 10, 2018. The military from 49 African countries attended the meeting. The aim of the meeting was to develop a "comprehensive strategic partnership" between China and Africa.

The third FOCAC summit and the seventh ministerial conference took place in Beijing from September 3-4, 2018. China's President Xi Jinping announced that it would provide 60 billion US dollars in grants, low-interest loans and investments over the next three years. As before, the focus is on investments in infrastructure, easier trade conditions, the establishment of an industrial base in Africa, education for young Africans and military aid from China.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The 1st Ministerial Conference , website , last accessed on March 24, 2018.
  2. Zhou Yan: CAD Fund to boost footprint in Africa , China Daily , February 22, 2012, last accessed March 24, 2018
  3. President Highlights Benefits From China At Fourth Ministerial FOCAC Conference , on November 9, 2009, last accessed on March 24, 2018.
  4. Barney Jopson, Jamil Anderlini: China pledges $ 10 billion in low-cost loans to Africa ,, November 9, 2009, last accessed March 24, 2018.
  5. Full text of Wen's speech at 4th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC , of November 9, 2009, last accessed on March 24, 2018.
  6. Hannelore Kußerow, Arno Meinken, Nikolaus Scholik: The strategic importance of the development in the Saherlzohne in Austrian Military Journal , 4/2017, p. 430.
  7. FOCAC: Background and 2015 focus priorities , South African Institute of International Affairs of November 23, 2015, last accessed on March 24, 2018.
  8. Hannelore Kußerow, Arno Meinken, Nikolaus Scholik: The strategic importance of the development in the Saherlzohne in Austrian Military Journal, 4/2017, p. 430.
  9. Deutsche Welle ( China invites Africa's army chiefs to tea | DW | 06/26/2018. Retrieved December 28, 2018 (German).
  10. Deutsche Welle ( China wants to expand military relations with Africa | DW | 07/10/2018. Retrieved December 28, 2018 (German).
  11. Matthias Müller: China ensnares Africa with billions | NZZ . In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . September 4, 2018, ISSN  0376-6829 ( [accessed December 28, 2018]).
  12. Deutsche Welle ( Africa - only passenger on the China Express? | DW | 05.09.2018. Retrieved December 28, 2018 (German).