François Étienne Delaroche

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François-Étienne de La Roche , also Delaroche, (born December 9, 1781 in Geneva , † December 23, 1813 in Paris ) was a Franco-Provençal doctor and naturalist.

life and work

François-Étienne de La Roche was the son of Marie Delaroche, b. Castanet and Daniel Delaroche (1743-1813), a Geneva doctor and botanist. François-Etienne had two siblings: Michel (1775-1852) and Alphonsine-Jeanne-Pernette (1778-1852). François-Etienne began studying medicine in Geneva and continued it in Edinburgh . After receiving his doctorate in Geneva in 1806 on the subject of Expériences sur les effets qu'une forte chaleur produit dans l'économie animale (for example: Experiments on the effects of high temperatures on cattle breeding), he settled there for some time. He then moved to Paris, where he became the personal physician of Louis Philippe d'Orléans ( Louis-Philippe II. ) (1747–1793), before he worked as a doctor in a medical institution in the Faubourg Saint-Martin, maison de santé du faubourg Saint-Martin , practiced.

Delaroche was a member of the Société D'Arcueil , a society of scientists around the chemist Claude Louis Berthollet (1748-1822). He bought a property in Arcueil and equipped it with chemical and physical laboratories. Together with Jacques Étienne Bérard , he investigated the specific heat capacity of the various gases. At the request of the company, he undertook an expedition to Mallorca as a naturalist, where he led a. a. geographic measurements with the new metric system ( metric system of units ).

In addition to more medical publications, he dealt with ichthyology . On his trip to the Balearic Islands in 1809, for example, he collected information about the fish there and made observations about the fish's swim bladder.

Delaroche died in 1813 of typhus , which Napoleonic troops had brought to Paris.

Honor taxon

The genus Rochea DC was named after him and his father . named from the thick leaf family.


  • FE Delaroche: Expériences sur les effets qu'une forte chaleur produit dans l'économie animale. De l'impr. de Didot jeune, Paris 1806.
  • FE Delaroche: Eryngiorum nec non generis novi Alepideae historia . Parisiis Deterville, 1808.
  • FE Delaroche: Observations sur les Poissons recueillis dans un voyage from Iles Baléares et Pythiuses. 1809.
  • FE Delaroche: Mémoire sur la cause du refroidissement qu'on observe chez les animaux exposés à une forte chaleur. Impr. D'Autel, Paris 1812.
  • FE Delaroche: Observations on the vessie aérienne des poissons. Annales du Muséum, 1809.
  • FE Delaroche, JE Bérard: Mémoire sur la détermination de la chaleur spécifique des différens gaz. H. Perronneau, Paris 1813.
  • FE Delaroche: Mémoire sur l'influence que la température de l'air exerce dans les phénomènes chimiques de la respiration: lu à l'Institut, le 11 may . Paris 1812.


  • DM Damkaer: The copepodologist's cabinet: a biographical and bibliographical history. Volume 1. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA 2002, ISBN 0-87169-240-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Biographical Etymology of Marine Organism Names. D.