François Huber

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François Huber

François Huber (born July 2, 1750 in Geneva , † December 22, 1831 in Lausanne ) was a Swiss naturalist .

François was the son of the artistically active lawyer, officer and councilor Jean Huber (1721–1786) and Marie-Louise Alléon. He was Marie Huber's great-nephew . He studied at the Geneva Academy and was a student of Charles Bonnet . Huber married Marie-Aimée Lullin in 1776 and lived in Pregny .

François Huber devoted himself to researching the living conditions of bees . At the age of fifteen he fell ill with an eye disease that led to blindness in 1773 - at the age of 23. He carried out his research with the help of the servant François Burnens and his wife: They observed the bees in the beehives made of glass that opened up . Huber gained recognition with his results published in 1792 in “ Nouvelles observations sur les abeilles ” ( New observations on bees ). He was also called "Bienen-Huber" (" Huber des abeilles "). He then worked with Jean Senebier on the germination of seeds.

Huber was a co-founder of the Geneva “ Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle ” (Society for Physics and Natural History). From 1813 he was a corresponding member of the Paris Académie des Sciences . Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle named the Brazilian tree species Huberia burma after him.


His son Jean Pierre (born January 23, 1777 in Geneva, † December 22, 1840 in Yverdon), called Pierre Huber, observed bumblebees, sawfly, beetles, but especially ants, in the spirit of his father, and wrote: Recherches sur les moeurs des fourmis indigènes (Paris 1810), which are considered the main work. About bumblebees he wrote the valuable article Observations on several Species of the Genus Apis, known by the Name of Humble-bees, and called Bombinatrices by Linnæus (London 1801). He created a number of illustrations for his father's books.


  • New observations on the abeilles. Barde Manget, Geneva 1792. (English translation New Observations on the Natural History Of Bees. Edinburgh 1806. German translation New Observations on the bees with annotations, edited by Kleine, Einbeck; 1856–59, 2 volumes.)
  • Manuel pratique sur la culture des abeilles. Paris 1796.
  • with Jean Senebier: Mémoires sur l'influence de l'air et de diverse substances gazeuses dans la germination de différentes graines. JJ Paschoud, Geneva 1801.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. Mark Napier (Ed.): Supplement to the fourth, fifth, and sixth Editions of the Encyclopædia Britannica. With Preliminary Dissertations on the History of the Sciences . tape 4 . Archibald Constable & Co. / Hurst, Robinson and Co., Edinburgh / London 1824, p. 166 , col. left , below (English, [accessed June 30, 2016]).