Francesco Maria Appendini

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Francesco Maria Appendini , Germanized Franz Maria Appendini , (born November 4, 1768 near Turin , † January 1837 in Zadar ) was an Italian philologist and historian .


After Francesco Maria Appendini completed his studies in Rome , he joined the order of the Piarists . He later served as the rector of a college of the order. He later sent him to Ragusa as a prefect high school . There he dealt with Illyria and the Illyrian language , on which he wrote philological treatises that were very well received. Noteworthy is his writing, Notie istoricho-critiche sulle antichitá, storia e letteratura de 'Ragusei , with which he rendered services to Slavic literature by unraveling confused facts.


  • Note istoricho-critiche sulle antichitá, storia e letteratura de 'Ragusei (two volumes, Ragusa 1802–1803)
  • Grammar of the Illyrian-Ragusan dialect (Ragusa 1808)
  • De praestantia et vetustate linguae illyricae ejusque necessitate ad populorum origines investigandas (Ragusa 1810)
  • Memorie spettanti ad alcuni uomini illustri di Cattaro (Ragusa 1811)
  • Esame critico sulla questione intorno alla Patria di S. Girolamo (Zara 1835)
  • Memorie sulla vita e sugli scritti di Giov. Francesco Gondola (Ragusa 1837)
  • De vita et scriptis Bernardi Zamagna (Ragusa)
  • La vita e l'esame delle opere del Petrarca
