Francesco Paolo Labisi

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Francesco Paolo Labisi (* 1720 in Noto ; † around 1798 ibid) was an Italian architect of the late Baroque in Sicily .


Labisi was a student of Rosario Gagliardi . Most of his buildings were built in Noto during the 18th century, which was badly damaged by the severe earthquake of 1693 .

He is considered a typical representative of the Sicilian Baroque in the 18th century. His buildings are characterized by their precisely mathematical design drawings; It is on record that Labisi had a book in his possession by the German philosopher and mathematician Christian Wolff translated in 1746 ; the handwritten manuscript is in the library of Noto.

Francesco Paolo Labisi: Elevation of the Chiesa del Crociferio di San Camillo in Noto (1750)

His design for the facade of Modica Cathedral is heavily inspired by the Dresden Court Church , published in 1739 in engravings by Lorenzo Zucchi. His son Bernardo Maria Labisi was also an architect.


  • Cattedrale San Giorgio ( Modica ): design of the facade (from 1761)
  • Palazzo Villadorata (Noto)
  • Palazzo Ducezio (Noto)
  • Chiesa di Montevergine (Noto)
  • Chiesa del Crociferio di San Camillo (Noto): designed in 1750
  • Villa Eleonora dei Nicolaci Pricipe dei Villadorata (near Noto)


  • Maria Giuffrè: Baroque Sicily . Michael Imhof, Petersberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-86568-264-2 , p. 28, 112, 126, 164, 168, 170, 229-230, 233, 236 .
  • Angheli Zalapi: Palaces in Sicily . Könemann Verlag, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-8290-2117-8 , p. 20, 218, 220 .