Francisco Gómez Marijuán

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Francisco Gómez Marijuán CMF (born April 25, 1906 in Villanueva del Conde , † January 26, 1979 ) was a Roman Catholic religious and bishop of Malabo .


Francisco Gómez Marijuán joined the order of the Claretians and was ordained a priest on April 15, 1930 . Pope Pius XII appointed him on November 14, 1957 Vicar Apostolic of Fernando Poo and Titular Bishop of Sinna .

The Bishop of Albacete , Arturo Tabera Araoz , donated him episcopal ordination on June 15 the next year ; Co-consecrators were Juan Solá y Farrell OFMCap , Vicar Apostolic of Bluefields , and Narciso Jubany Arnau , Auxiliary Bishop in Barcelona .

He attended all the sessions of the Second Vatican Council . With the elevation to the diocese on May 3, 1966 he was appointed Bishop of Santa Isabel . On May 9, 1974, he resigned from his position.

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