Francisco Javier Vergara y Velasco

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Francisco Javier Vergara y Velasco (born June 15, 1860 in Popayán , † January 21, 1914 in Barranquilla ) was a Colombian geographer , cartographer and historian .

Vergara was critical of the established geographical ideologies of his time. His most important works are Nueva Geografía de Colombia (1888, 1892 and 1901) and the Atlas completo de geografía colombiana (1906–1910), for which he won the Charles Manoir Prize of the Société de Géographie of Paris. With the help of these works, territorial formations of Colombia can be researched well.

The anarchist French geographer Elisée Reclus based the chapter on Colombia in his Nouvelle Géographie Universelle on the works of Vergara y Velasco.

Fonts (selection)

  • Nueva Geografía de Colombia (1888, 1892 and 1901)
  • 1818 (Guerra de Independencia) , Bogotá, Imprenta Nacional (1897)
  • Atlas completo de geografía colombiana (1906–1910)
  • Memoria sobre la construcción de una Nueva carta geográfica de Colombia y de un Atlas completo de geografía Colombiana , Bogotá, Imprenta Eléctrica (1906)
  • Tratado de metodología y crítica histórica y elementos de cronología colombiana , Bogotá, Imprenta Eléctrica (1907)
  • Archivos Nacionales: índice analítico, metódico y descriptivo , Bogotá, Imprenta Nacional (1913)


Web links


  1. ^ A b David Alejandro Ramirez Palacios: A 'Nueva Geografía de Colombia' de Francisco Javier Vergara y Velasco (1901) [1902 . ] Dissertation under the direction of Antonio Carlos Robert Moraes , Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo , 2015.