Francisco do Monte Alverne

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Francisco do Monte Alverne.

Francisco do Monte Alverne , actually Francisco José de Carvalho (born August 9, 1784 in Rio de Janeiro , † December 2, 1858 in Niterói , Rio de Janeiro ) was a Franciscan and court preacher in the Brazilian Empire .

Live and act

Francisco was the son of the administrator João Antônio da Silva and his wife Ana Francisca da Conceição.

At the age of twenty Francisco entered the Franciscan order in 1802 and studied in the order's own Konvikt . He was ordained a priest six years later . As the name of the order he chose Monte Alverne , a homage to Monte Alverne , made famous by the order's founder, Francis of Assisi .

Francisco later became known as an itinerant preacher and in 1816 King John VI appointed him . to the official court preacher in Rio de Janeiro to the court. As such, he arranged the splendid funeral of Maria Leopoldine of Austria in December 1826 .

Francisco began to go blind in 1836. He gave up all his offices and settled in his hometown of Niterói. He died on December 2, 1858 and was also buried there.


The writer Gonçalves de Magalhães (1811–1882) described Francisco as the forerunner of Brazilian romanticism . In his Compêndio de Filosofia , Francisco defends eclecticism and the theses of John Locke and Étienne Bonnot de Condillac against Thomism and scholasticism and is therefore also considered a pioneer of the Enlightenment in Brazil .


  • Obras oratórias. Rio de Janeiro 1833 (4 vols. With a biography)

Individual evidence

  1. Also known from the La Verna monastery .