Frank Saliger

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Frank Saliger (* 1964 in Hadamar ) is a legal scholar and has held the Chair of Criminal Law , Criminal Procedure Law , Commercial Criminal Law and Legal Philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich since April 2016 .


After studying law at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main , Saliger passed the first state examination in 1991 and the second in 1994 . Until 2003 he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Criminal Science and Legal Philosophy at the University of Frankfurt am Main.

In 1999 he received his doctorate with the legal-philosophical and criminal law thesis " Radbruch Formula and the Rule of Law". In 2003 he completed his habilitation with an investigation into commercial criminal law on the subject of “ Party Law and Criminal Law. On the criminal liability of violations of the political party law, in particular because of breach of trust according to § 266 StGB ” In 2003 and 2004 he represented criminal law chairs at the Universities of Bielefeld and Saarbrücken .

From March 2005 to March 2014 Frank Saliger held the Chair for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Legal Philosophy at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg . He turned down appointments from Leibniz Universität Hannover in 2007 and from Mannheim University in 2012. From April 2014 to March 2016 he headed a chair for criminal law , criminal procedure law , commercial criminal law and legal philosophy at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen .

From June 2010 to August 2017 Frank Saliger was Of Counsel at Roxin Rechtsanwälte, since September 2017 he has been Of Counsel at Tsambikakis & Partner Rechtsanwälte. In addition, Frank Saliger has been Liaison Lecturer at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom since December 2008, a permanent guest on the Criminal Law Committee of the Federal Bar Association since October 2014 and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Gustav Radbruch Foundation since 2017 .

Frank Saliger's research focuses on the special part of criminal law as well as in the areas of white collar crime, medical criminal law , environmental criminal law, criminal procedure law and legal philosophy. He is u. a. Co-editor of the journal for the entire criminal law science (ZStW), the journal for medical criminal law (medstra), the new writings on criminal law (Nomos), the studies on criminal law (Nomos) and of Juridicum - writings on commercial criminal law (Springer). He gives lectures at home and abroad and is a regular reviewer. In addition to his books, most recently the legal opinion on the prohibition of organized euthanasia ( self-determination until the end of 2015) and on neutralized criminal law (2017, together with Michael Tsambikakis), Frank Saliger comments in various comments on the regulations on infidelity (Section 266 of the Criminal Code) and on fraud ( § 263 StGB) and to the general part of criminal law .

Works (selection)

  • Party law and criminal law. On the criminal liability of violations of the Political Parties Act, in particular for breach of trust in accordance with Section 266 of the Criminal Code . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2005, ISBN 3-16-148467-3 (plus habilitation thesis).
  • Radbruch's formula and the rule of law . Müller, Heidelberg 1995, ISBN 3-8114-6295-4 (also dissertation).
  • Environmental criminal law . Heymanns, Cologne 2012, ISBN 978-3-8006-4174-1 .
  • Self-determination until the end. Legal opinion on the prohibition of organized euthanasia , 2015, ISBN 978-3-7392-9248-9 .
  • Introduction to Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory of the Present , CF Müller, Heidelberg, 9th edition 2016, ISBN 978-3-8114-9518-0 (Ed., Together with Winfried Hassemer and Ulfrid Neumann)
  • Commercial criminal law. Commentary on criminal tax law and procedural law , Dr. Otto Schmidt, Cologne 2017, ISBN 978-3-5044-0016-3 (Ed., Together with Robert Esser, Markus Rübenstahl and Michael Tsambikakis)
  • Neutralized criminal law. For the 10th anniversary of the application ban for the criminal provision of the unauthorized organization of games of chance (§284 StGB) by private sports betting providers licensed in other EU countries, in particular with regard to online casino games , Nomos, Baden-Baden 2017, ISBN 978-3-8487- 4041-3 (with Michael Tsambikakis)
  • Constitutional criminal law: Festschrift for Ulfrid Neumann on his 70th birthday. C. F. Müller, Heidelberg 2017, ISBN 978-3-8114-3962-7 (Ed., Together with Young-Whan Kim, Christos Mylonopoulos, Keiichi Yamanaka, Yongliu Zheng, Juarez Tavares and Osman Isfen)

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